14. First Step is the Hardest

Start from the beginning

Katsuki feels a twinge of pain in his chest as he reaches out and puts his hand on the greenett's shoulder lightly.

" Yet Deku, the keyword there is yet. You couldn't fucking stand before either but now you can, one step at a time."

Aizawa watches the pair and the soft look that was just exchanged by the normally rough blonde. He smiles internally seeing what he had always known was there. He clears his throat speaking up.

" Yes, Bakugo is absolutely right but you are making huge strides in improving. You are well on your way problem child. Now I must be on my way but I will be back in a week or so to check on you once again. Katsuki walk me out please."

The blonde raises a brow but nods helping the greenett sit before he heads out the door behind his old teacher closing the apartment door leaning back on it.

" What's up?", he ask curiously.

Aizawa turns to him with a smile.

" The work you have done is amazing. He looks like the old Izuku and him being able to stand on his own with the power of his quirk is genius. I myself never thought of that."

Katsuki shrugs.

" I know Deku, I'll always know Deku better than anyone. I know what works and what doesn't, what pushes him and what won't."

Aizawa nods.

" Has black whip shown itself?"

Katsuki sighs.

" No, not yet anyway. I keep hoping it will, I think that might help with his movement if I could get the damn thing to surface. I mean, he's tried but nothing happens, I think that scares him.", the blonde explains as raven eyes study him closely

" And you. I'm sure that it also scares you. Am I correct?"

Katsuki meets his eye with a skip in his heart beat. He clears his the looking away.

" Well yeah.. I guess."

Aizawa smiles at the weak attempt to hide his feelings.

He nods putting his hands in his pockets as he begins to walk away, but he says one more thing.

" I'm sure it will show itself soon. Katsuki, you said you know what pushes Midoriya forward, that you have always known him better than anyone?"

Katsuki furrows his brow at this.

" Yeah, what about it?"

Crimson and raven eyes lock for a moment before Aizawa continues.

" There is one thing that drives him more than any other, one thing that has always caused him to push past his limits no matter what the cost.... you."

Katsuki feels his heart take off as he feels heat come to his face. The way Aizawa is speaking to him right now in this moment he knows his old teacher knows. Before the blonde can get any words out of his mouth from a mind that has now gone blank the pro hero speaks again.

" Maybe it's time you used that to it's full advantage. This is no time for holding back things that should have been spoken years ago. Might help you both recover. Good day Katsuki."

With those words he's gone leaving a hero with a rampant heart beat and a trembling core.

The blonde spends a minute pacing the hallway outside the door running both his hands through his hair as he thinks about what's been said. Maybe there's something to it, maybe just maybe Katsuki himself could be the final push forward or at least part of it but that would only work under the conditions that Izuku feels the same.

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