when you get arrested

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Bang Chan:
- the second he gets a call from the police station, he rushes over
- "What happened?" he'd ask you and ignore the officer for a moment. "They said that they saw me throw a brick through someone's window but I was at the wrong place at the wrong time."
- would be angry but controls himself and arranges that you can be uncuffed
- will go to the area to retrieve the dashcam SD card of the car that was there because the police refused to waste their time on that. After watching the footage, Chan would say: "Next time check it first or I'll make sure to cause you trouble."

Lee Minho:
- when you call him ans say that you're at the police station, he wouldn't believe you at first but still comes anyway
- laughs at you when he sees you handcuffed, you found it funny as well
- "How did you even manage to get arrested?" "I don't even know."
- would get it all sorted out and he'd leave with giving them a judgemental look for making such a mistake

Seo Changbin:
- when he gets called because you're at the police station, man would be running over
- he'd be yelling your name until you're in his view
- runs over to you and hugs you and will make a bit of a scene because he just thinks it's ridiculous
- "Let's get out of here before they accuse you of something else. Tssk idiots"

Hwang Hyunjin:
- the second the call ends, he'd be frozen. Shooketh
- while he's on his way, he'd be thinking about what YOU possibly could have done
- sits down next to you and asks the police officer: "what did y/n do? Murder? Theft?" when he hears the actual accusation he would just laugh
- after you were allowed to leave, he'd say "Get your facts straight before accusing someone."

Han Jisung:
- he'd be arrested with you, so you'd both sit at the police station waiting to be questioned
- "What happened according to you?" "The same thing Y/n just said. Just check the cameras already." he'd say
- would definitely subtly diss the police in a song
- when he walks out of the police station, he'd say: "If I get arrested, I'll make sure it was because I did something myself. How dare they." 😤

Lee Felix:
- Sonic is nothing compared to how fast he'd be at the police station to get you out of there
- he'd hold your hands while he would listen to the police officer that was working on your case
- "So, there's no proof? Then handcuffs aren't necessary, sir."
- will badmouth the police afterwards because he's passed that they treated you as a potential criminal

Kim Seungmin:
- while he's taking a taxi to the police station, he'd think about which person you would've probably murdered
- kind of taken back when he sees you sipping tea while talking to an police officer
- "I thought you were arrested." "I was, but they made a mistake." he'd be judging the police officer right then and there.
- when you walk out, he'd say: "I thought you actually murdered someone. Somehow I kinda feel disappointed." "Dude, what?! Why would I-... Oh well I guess that seems reasonable considering I know some trash-like people."

Yang Jeongin:
- "You are where??" he'd be in compelete shock and speechless after your call
- the second he'd walk through the doors, he'd see you argue with the police officer and be instantly annoyed by his attitude
- tells Chan to come over as well as he might be useful in this moment (which he was since he can handle every situation)
- "Acussing you and handcuffed you is too far. You even agreed to cooperate and come to the station." Jeongin said. "I know right." "But honestly I'm not surprised. He was a jerk." "I agree." Chan said.

imagines² - stray kidsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu