when you have a period stain

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Bang Chan:
- stands behind you to cover it up so no one else sees it
- "You should go to the bathroom for a bit.... there's uhhh.... there's a stain"
- would quickly get you a different pair of jeans while you're waiting in the bathroom
- makes sure that you aren't embarrassed since it isn't something to be embarrassed over, "accidents happen, don't worry about it"

Lee Minho:
- doesn't know if he should tell you cause he doesn't want you to be embarrassed
- gives you his long coat so it would cover the stain while walking back home
- "It's cold so wear this." "But-" "I'll be fine. It's not that far anyway."
- when you find out about it and ask him, he tells you that he didn't notice it so you'd think it wasn't there for long

Seo Changbin:
- pins you against the wall of a building
- "We should get you a new pair of jeans..." "Suddenly?" "Yeah and like right now"
- buys a new pair of jeans for you so you wouldn't be embarrassed walking in around in your stained pants because you couldn't cover it up completely
- forgets about it and doesn't say anything about it, he understands such things can happen

Hwang Hyunjin:
- keeps it to himself for a good 5 minutes thinking about how to tell you
- "Y/n... this might make you uncomfortable but I think it's important to tell you... you uhhh.... have a... stain..."
- walks behind you so no one could see it and you wouldn't be embarrassed about it
- makes sure you're okay, because he was worrying about you bleeding out since you had a stain (a bit dramatic huh)

Han Jisung:
- would call it with a different name so you won't be uncomfortable with it
- "Y/n.... you have some ketchup on your butt.. I didn't look on purpose! It's just.... very noticeable"
- makes you sit down and gets you something else to wear
- pushes you to the public bathroom so you could change and reminds you that it wasn't that big of a deal and that no one but him saw it

Lee Felix:
- quickly back hugs you as you were about to turn around and that would've caused it for others to see
- "Jagiya.... you shouldn't turn around to the others right now. You've got a stain"
- makes sure no one else can see it while your walking by clinging onto you
- reassures you that absolutely no one saw and otherwise he would erase their memories XD

Kim Seungmin:
- he would say it straight to the point so you could find the matter quickly
- "Y/n, you have a stain in your dress... It's a red stain, you might want to change into something else"
- gives you a spare set of clothes that he brought with him because it would get colder later on
- when you're back he simply forgets about it and goes on with having fun with you at the amusement park

Yang Jeongin:
- didn't mean to look but he saw it so he kinda panicked
- you guys were at a village so he took you to a house and asked if they had a spare pair of pants for you
- he also changed his pants into 'farmer pants' so that you wouldn't feel embarrassed wearing something like that

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