when you play hide and seek

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When you play hide and seek
Bang Chan:
- would always find you
- hides in the most weird places
- makes sounds if you can't find him
- lets you win a lot of times 🥺

Lee Minho:
- would peek while counting 😔
- ends up getting scolded by you for cheating
- hides in easy places that are always overlooked because of it being obvious
- his cats reveal his hiding spot to you

Seo Changbin:
- would be really serious about the game
- very excited to go look for you
- would find you and always say you did a good job hiding
- doesn't want to hide because he wants to stay with you 🥰

Hwang Hyunjin:
- he's a pro hider
- actually changes his hiding spot so you could find him
- when he's searching, he'd wait a few extra seconds until he looks around
- would leave the room if he finds you and then scare you while you think he didn't see you 😑

Han Jisung:
- finds you in an instant
- "There's my baby~~~"
- follows you around while you're looking for him
- ends up getting caught while follow you in 😆

Lee Felix:
- always excited to play hide and seek
- gets kinda competitive
- would make animal noises if he takes you're taking to long
- when seeking, he'll check every inch of the house 😂

Kim Seungmin:
- counts extremely fast
- isn't too good at seeking XD
- might stop looking for you without telling you
- would go on his phone while hiding

Yang Jeongin:
- so happy to play hide and seek with you
- takes it very seriously
- woukd sometimes pretend he didn't see you just to let you win
- gets very giggly when you find himand hugs you 🥰

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