when you move in with them

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Bang Chan:
- he'd be so excited for you to move in, would come home early to clean
- when you still need some basic stuff like a toothbrush etc, he'd go shopping with you and get matching pairs
- would try not to work until very late because he'd know you'd be waiting for him at home
- totally loves waking up next to you, its like a dream came true to him

Lee Minho:
- he'd be looking forward to it but also not cause he knows he'd hear you nag from time to time
- makes sure to write some rules down involving visitors etc
- would want to divide the chores at home even of he might be busy, he wants it to be equal
- adopting his cats and cleaning up their mess is something you need to accept

Seo Changbin:
- you moving in is the only thing he'd talk about for the time being that's how much he likes it
- would have cute soft matching slippers to wear inside, matching towels, matching pj's, he's prepared
- because he wants it to be the house of you both, he'd make you choose a new couch or anything you'd want to change it up
- would cuddle you to sleep every night and loves to wake up to your morning kisses :3

Hwang Hyunjin:
- he'd clean a bit before you come just because he thinks that's polite
- makes sure to let you know that things can be moved around, doesn't want to make you feel like he's the boss because you came into the house later, this is also your home now
- would definitely make sure to have multiple different matching pj's and you can't wear other pj's than those
- enjoys waking up and brushing his teeth next to you as you do the same; would definitely steal a kiss from you afterwards

Han Jisung:
- buys stuff you might like as decoration and places it in the house so you know he'd making an effort
- would be prepared to give up his late night jam session to have a nice cuddle session with you
- whenever he comes home late he'd be sure to bring something yummy so you wouldn't be too mad about him not notifying you
- whenever it's time to wake up for you, he'd stop you from leaving and say "I wasn't done dreaming yet. So come back into it." "I don't think that's how it works." "Sshh."

Lee Felix:
- would be so excited, wouldn't be able to focus on anything but you
- he'd hang up some balloons and a banner saying "Welcome home love"
- whenever you cook, he'd watch and wait for the opportunity to help you in any way possible
- loves how you guys would be cuddled up on the couch every evening, watching whatever is on tv

Kim Seungmin:
- he's looking forward to it but he's also a bit nervous about it
- he'd help you build the new closet for your clothes, handling the screws like a pro
- would set up to table when you're cooking so you could focus on just cooking, he would even be okay with doing the dishes
- definitely doesn't like your nagging when he's late or when he eats an unhealthy late night snack with your, but he does appreciate it since it shows that you care

Yang Jeongin:
- would be nervous for the first weeks, worrying he'd do something wrong
- would pick a week to clean the house together even if he doesn't really enjoy cleaning
- he'd try to surprise you from time to time with some flowers or chocolates or even trying to cook a meal for you
- getting ready in the morning with you, putting on skincare etc is something he really enjoys

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