Untitled Part 5

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Jordan had started coming around after a few hours. Her head felt like a jackhammer pounding at her skull, she felt very nauseous. She looked around confused and disoriented. When she got up the teen was hit with a wave of dizziness. What had caught her attention was her shorts pulled down with her panties. They were pulled down to her ankles. Her thighs were bruised and she felt a soreness between her legs near her private area.

Her hand went out reaching for her phone and she saw it was 7:30 in the evening. She had multiple missed calls and texts from her father, Erin, and everyone else. A new text came through to her phone from her father.

'If you don't answer your phone, I will send everyone to find you and you won't like me when I do find you'

The teen rolled her eyes and sent her father a text. 'I'm fine dad, I was at the library and lost track of time. Don't over react'

After she sent the text to her father she fixed her clothing and the door opened and Johnny came in and this time he wore different clothing. The teen frowned, something wasn't adding up.

"Are you alright? Johnny asked with fake concern.

"I'm fine. Did you do something to me?"

"What? What would make you think that?"

"I think you drugged me, my shorts and panties were pulled down, my thighs are bruised. Your clothes have changed. Did you rape me?"

"Jo, I wouldn't do that to you. You were still tipsy from the bar, after we had dinner we made out a little and we ya know hooked up"

"Are you sure that's all? My head feels like a damn jackhammer pounding my skull."

"I'm sure, you just had too much at the bar"

"You're probably right. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that. My dad being a cop I think and act to much like him"

"It's alright, you thought something happened to you. It's perfectly normal" He went over and softly kissed her lips.

Jordan found herself leaning into the soft kiss, when she kissed her ex boyfriend it was like there was nothing there. No sparks, chemistry, anything. With Johnny, it was soft, sweet, gentle, She even felt chemistry.

She pulled away with a smile. "I have to go otherwise my dad is gonna send a search party for me"

"Can I see you again?"

"I think that can be arranged"

Standing to her feet Jordan walked out the doors and out the house. She took an Uber home. Something in her head was raising red flags about Johnny. How he talked about their "hookup" She wouldn't just sleep with a random guy she just met. Would she? She was drunk and partially high on whatever she popped. Maybe she did sleep with him and was too drunk to remember.

But that didn't answer why her shorts were pulled down or why her thighs were bruised. She was tempted to go to Med and get looked at but Will, Ethan, one of them would call her father and he would kill Johnny. She would just have to watch what she drinks and takes.

When she got home her father was just arriving, she got out of the car to meet her father. She walked over to him.

"I'm fine dad see. I was at the library studying" Jordan told her father.

"Have you lost your mind Jordan? I've been calling you all day, had you not sent that text I was about to have the whole district looking for you" Hank told her sharply.

"I'm sorry. I met a guy there and we started hanging out we lost track of time"

Hank raised an eyebrow. "A guy? What's his name?"

"It's just a kid from school, that's all"

"Don't ever do something like that again. You had me worried sick"

"I won't do it again. I'm sorry"

Hank knew his daughter was lying and he would get to the bottom of it. He guided her and closed the door, locking it. Jordan went to her room and grabbed some clothes for a shower. Once she grabbed what she needed, the teen headed for the bathroom.

He hated doing this but he had to figure out what his daughter was lying about. Hank went to his daughter's room and searched for anything. The door was open so he heard the shower going. He was in the clear, during his search he heard her phone buzz with a text message. That would be the ultimate invasion of privacy but he knew his daughter was lying and betraying his trust.

He walked over and picked up the phone and saw the text that made him raise an eye. It was from a number he didn't recognize. Swiping the unlock key he clicked the text and read it.

'Miss you already. Can't wait to see you again'

The older father was getting a real bad feeling about this, pulling his phone out he typed the number into his phone. He was going to have Mouse track the number and find this guy. Luckily for him the shower was still going which gave him some more time to look through her phone.

He saw the multitude of missed calls and texts from everyone including him. Closing out the texts and calls he pulled up the Uber app and saw her last ride, it was from a house not the library. He took a picture of the address on his phone and put it back in his pocket. The shower cut off and he was going to wait.

He was going to confront his daughter with this, he wasn't going to stay back and let something bad happen. They were still recovering from losing Justin. He'll be damned if he loses his daughter and lets her get caught up with anything or anyone.

Jordan went and dropped her clothes in the laundry room then went back to her room. She stood frozen at the door seeing her father on her bed holding her phone in one hand as his arms were crossed.

"Why don't we revisit our talk Jordan"

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