Untitled Part 2

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It's been a few weeks since the death of Justin Voight, the eldest and only son of Hank Voight. Jordan's older brother. It had killed the father and daughter, Hank was trying to be there for his daughter as much as she could but Jordan didn't want her father, she wanted her beloved brother. And not soon after they buried Justin his widow, Olive she had left Chicago and taking hers and Justin's son with her. She couldn't be in Chicago and not think of her late husband. She packed and took off for Arizona with no plans to return.

She had taken the only reminder Hank and Jordan had left of Justin, his son. It had only broken them down even more. Jordan, never experiencing death before was hurt the most. Her mother died when she was just a baby, never got to know her mother. Never got to properly grieve her late mother. Now that she lost her brother, it had all been coming down on the teen. She hadn't gone to school because she was afraid she'd snap at someone if not end up in a fight.

One day after skipping school again for what seems like the upteenth time instead of going to the district she found herself at some random bar where her father wasn't known. She had a fake ID made so she could drink. The teen left her hood and sun glasses on incase she would get noticed.

"Whiskey" She told the bartender, the pain clear as day in her voice.

"You got ID?"

She slid over the card and he took it and accepted it as real, he poured her the drink. Taking the glass she chugged it down letting it burn her throat. The burn going down felt good. She slid it back to him.

"Another and let me get a beer"

"I like a girl who can drink. Makes them more attractive" A man's voice says, coming from beside her.

"Not in the mood to talk dude. Just leave me to drink" Jordan told him sharply.

"Fiesty too? Definitely my type"

"Dude, leave me the hell alone. Not interested"

"What's your name?"

"None of your business"

"Someone is definitely a firecracker. The name's Johnny"

"I seriously don't care, now back off and leave me be"

"Come on sweetheart don't be that way"

Finally pulling her sunglasses to the top of her head it was clear her once brown eyes were now blood red. It looked as if it was from crying if not being drunk or even high. When she saw the man he looked about middle aged. Probably in his early 30s or so. His brown hair combed back, he had worn regular clothes, a white shirt, jeans, and boots.

She saw something that looked almost caring in his dark brown eyes. The grieving teenager felt something bubble inside her. She had given him a shy but now gentle smile.

"The name's Jordan. My friends call me Jo"

"I'm Johnny D. My friends call me Johnny"

"What's the D for?" She chugged another drink.

"Drake. Johnny Drake"

"Pretty bad-ass name"

"What's a girl like you doing in a rough place like this?"

"Don't really wanna talk about it yet"

"People always come to a bar when they got something on their mind. What's going on in that beautiful head of yours darling?" He brushed some loose strands of hair behind her ear.

She chugged some of her beer and wiped her lip. "Uh...A few weeks ago my older brother he was killed. Some bastard shot him in the back of the head and wrapped him in barbed wire. The doctors did everything they could but my brother was brain dead and my sister-in-law couldn't make the decision whether or not to take him off so she asked my dad and he pulled the plug. After the funeral my sister-in-law took my nephew and left us and she won't come back. My dad and I are still mourning and grieving, he has his way and I have mine"

Johnny had kept listening and acted as if he had sympathy for her. He did know one thing for sure, he found his next girl. He had to gain as much leverage as he could to use. "I'm so sorry for your loss Jo. Where's your mother? Why isn't she helping you and your father?"

"My mom, she died when I was a baby so I never really knew her. My brother and I had different moms. We shared the same dad. We never referred to each other as half related. He was my brother and I was his sister"

"I'm so sorry. Growing up in an all male environment must have been difficult, being the only girl around"

"It got awkward at times for certain conversations but I love my dad and brother and they love me"

"Your father, what does he do for work?"

She couldn't help but chuckle. "You ain't from around here are ya? Most people take one look and almost die of shock when they know who my dad is"

"I'm not most people"

"Speaking of my dad, I gotta go before he sends his team after me"

"Team? What is he a fed or something?"

"Close, he's a cop. He runs intelligence here in Chicago"

All Johnny could think was he had the perfect girl and the right one for insurance. A cop's kid. This couldn't get anymore perfect.

"Maybe I can see you again?"

She gave a nervous but shy smile. "I...I'd actually like that"

He had written down his number and slid it to her with a smile he then kissed her cheek. Putting a couple $20 bills on the counter to pay for their tabs he walked out. Jordan gently ran her fingers over her cheek where he kissed at. If her father had found out a grown man had done that, Hank could cut his lips off and shove them down his throat.

Little did Jordan know her new romance wouldn't be what she's expecting. It had only just begun. 

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