"Have you seen the big glass structure over the west-wing balcony?" Bible's eyes drifted in thought. "You can see it from the guest-house. That's my studio. I've set up a couple of sewing stations and a desk."

"Oh! I was wondering if that was there all along and I just didn't remember. I can see it from the desk. I really like that desk," Bible commented. Build paid attention to the road again, but he could see from the corner of his eyes how Bible wiped his hands on his thighs. Build could feel his ears burning.

"I can give you a tour if you'd like." Build was being polite, but a part of him did want to show off his hard work to the almighty Wichapas Sumettikul. A keen urge for his approval, it made him uncomfortable, and he debated how it was different from his own father's approval.

Build parked the car and focused on Bible. His husband looked deep in thought as his hands gripped his thighs. For a moment, Build wondered if he had said something wrong.

"You don't have to. I'm there pretty much all day so..."

"No. I would love to see," Bible clarified.

Build's heartbeat had refused to slow down ever since he got into the car with Wichapas. It continued its erratic beat as he walked down the hall. He could hear Bible's quiet steps behind him and it made him even more anxious.

There was something intimate about showing his husband his studio and Build was not counting on feeling so much about it. It felt like such a drastic change from what he had become accustomed to. Build was so used to going about listless, that the sudden shift in atmosphere was overwhelming.

Build stepped to the side as he opened the large wooden door of his terrace. There were two large workstations with various sewing machines in the middle. A desk and sitting area were situated on the far left side. It had a light brown leather couch with a faded beige rug. The walls were covered in his sketches and fabric he had collected, some of Bear's drawings. Large green plants were scattered throughout. Two sewing mannequins with unfinished pieces sat by a large storage cabinet. It was all light woods, and black metal, a touch of cream and white.

"Woah!" Bible's wide eyes took in the large space and Build's stomach flip flopped. Immediately he came toward the wall with the sketches to take a better look at them. "You make these?" As he asked, Build was sure that his husband had been possessed because he looked so genuine in his elation. Build nodded a response.

Bible walked further down the wall and paused again. He stood by the ones that Bear had drawn. Pictures of his family, two fathers and a child in the middle, much like how he walked into school that morning.

"You can have one of those." Build came just a little closer, but he was worried he'd catch whiff of that cologne, so he decided best to keep a safe distance. A smile spread over Bible's lips.

"Can I really? Even this one?" Bible reached up to one of the drawings, and there was another twist in Build's stomach. It was a family picture, but one he drew himself. Bear had insisted he drew one too and sure enough, it was two fathers and a boy in the middle. It was a quick sketch, but the likeness was obvious. with Build's skills, it was more of a cartoon.

"What if he wants to get to know you better? What if he wants to be married to you?" Sofia's questions echoed.

"Sure." Build shrugged, trying to hide his panic. He tangled his fingers and squeezed.

"I had no idea you were this good. I guess I never asked." Bible talked as he stared up at the sketches. The last set of words sounded like he was thinking out loud.

Build was unsure how to react to the compliment. He stood and stared at his husband, perplexed. Bible turned and scanned the room one more time, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

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