Chapter Two

Depuis le début

"Hey, I am not old, you are very young!" Bible argued with some laughter. Despite how far Build was sitting, he could still see the screen, he was sure Bible could see him too.

"Papa, if you are done with work, can't you come faster? You don't have to pack anything, Phaw got everything you need. He bought all the stuff. You can sleep in my room too."

"I can't, Teddy-Bear. I have a few more errands to run before I leave and I have to pack all my clothes and all the gifts I got you. Don't you want those?"

"Yes, we have to make the legos together." Bear pulled at his blue cardigan and went to pick up the phone again. He also picked up his hair brush, which he brought over to his father. Build smiled as he began to brush his son's hair.

"I don't have to work for a long time so we can make all the legos," Bible reassured.

"You aren't going to work with your dad again?" Build asked without a second thought. He regretted it right away, he usually never got involved in their conversations.

"No, I'm going to take a couple of months off and then I might help manage some business over there. I haven't decided what I want to do." Bible answered, but Build couldn't see him as the phone was facing Bear.

"That means you don't have to leave again, right Papa?" Bear's words silenced both his fathers.

"Sometimes I will have to travel to places for a little bit, but I will be right back. I will never leave this long again, okay?"

Bear nodded at Wichapa's answer, while Build's chest tightened, memories rushing back. When Bible first left, Bear was barely speaking words. He ran effortlessly, but spoke mostly gibberish. He only had the important words down. Even then Wichapas insisted on video calls, at first scheduling them with a nanny.

Bible barely missed a call and as Bear grew, so did the connection. The last year really cemented a bond between Wichapas and his son. It was a different bond than the one he had with Build. It was light and playful. Build felt guilt at the pinch of jealousy that arose upon seeing their interactions. He supposed it was a normal feeling that came with being 'the rule enforcer'.

Build was aware that upon the arrival of his ex-husband, that bond he had cultivated with his son would grow exponentially stronger. Build needed to be okay with that, because he knew that Wichapas loved Bear just as much as he did. Bear deserved to receive that love without impediment. Build couldn't imagine how hard it was to be separated from his son for as long as his ex-husband had.

"Okay, Papa, pack fast and ask help from Uncle Jon so that you can be faster, and maybe you can come sooner, and we can go to the game together." Bear instructed.

"Okay, Teddy-Bear, I'll try, but I am very far. I don't think I'll be able to. You can always go to the game, I can wait for you to get home or I can meet you there." Bible bargained, and Build huffed to himself because they had already agreed to a plan for it to be changed at the last minute.

"No, I'll wait at the house. I want to miss school on Monday, but Phaw won't let me." Bear complained looking up at his father with way more attitude than should ever be allowed out of a five year old. Build finished fixing Bear's hair, completely ignoring his son's attempt at intimidation.

"I agree with Phaw. You don't need to miss school. I will be there when you come out and I'll come right to you on Sunday. I gotta go now, I'm just packing my stuff to come see you. Be good to your Phaw and say hello to your grandfather for me okay? I love you Teddy-Bear."

"I love you too, Papa."


At dinner, Build was, for the most part, invisible. He sat at the other end of the long table, while his own father got caught up with Bear and all his activities. Build played around with his food as he listened. He ate what he could, but paid more attention to the red wine his father had brought. All the questions directed to him were about Bible and his arrival.

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