Chapter eight: 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗈𝗀

Comenzar desde el principio

Her eyes trailed over each of the dead. All of which she once saw alive and happy only just two weeks ago. Her teary eyes widened when she realized that Ross was heading to the escape bus right before everything went to shit.

"Ross!" She gasped, none of the walkers on the road was Ross. Mercedes looked towards the bus. She took a deep breath and headed over to the open door.

She took off the paramedic bag and sat it on the ground with her rifle before pulling herself onto the bus. The smell of death caused her to gag a little.

Her eyes drifted around the bus to find that there's only two dead walkers on there, neither which were Ross. Mercedes sighed slightly relived before her eyes landed on a dark grey backpack.

She slowly walked over and pulled it off of the ground. She slowly sat down on the bus seat closest to her as her eyes studied her name that was stitched into the front flap of the bag.

She sat there for a few minutes before the smell got to much for her. She quickly stood up and left the bus with her bag in hand.

She stopped long enough to collect her things before she hit the road once again.

Mercedes held her rifle firmly in her hands as she slowly entered a small house that sat on the edge of the woods

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Mercedes held her rifle firmly in her hands as she slowly entered a small house that sat on the edge of the woods. She almost didn't see it, she wouldn't of it it weren't for the mailbox.

She used the flashlight she got out of her bag so she could see. She kicked the wall by the door to make enough noise a walker would hear if there were any in the house.

A snarl echoed through the house and a skinny male walker came into the light from the flashlight. Mercedes slung her gun back onto her shoulder and pulled her slingshot out of her backpack.

She waited a second before shooting the walker with one of the rocks she kept to use with her slingshot.

Once the walker hit the ground, dead, Mercedes put her things down and walked over to the corpse. Leaning over, Mercedes grabbed onto each of the walker's arms and with a small grunt she started to back up, dragging the  walker across the floor.

She dragged the walker outside and took it to the side of the house leaving the front door wide open. She had no idea what she would be letting in when she did it.

She let go of the walker and headed back into the house to check all the rooms for any stragglers that might not of come out of hiding.

She let go of the walker and headed back into the house to check all the rooms for any stragglers that might not of come out of hiding

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

After checking the rooms Mercedes walked into the livingroom and sat down on the couch with a can of peas in her hand. She found the can on the table in the kitchen and to her luck it was still good.

She pulled out her knife and just as she's about to cut into the can she heard a racket from the bathroom in the hall. Her heart dropped and she sat the can down on the couch before standing up. She slowly made her way to the hall, her knife still firmly in her hand.

She got to the bathroom to see the previously open door now cracked slightly. Her heart started to race, there was no way it could be a walker since they're not that sneaky.

"Time to be brave." She mumbled. Just as she's about to push the door open something pokes out of the crack.

Mercedes yelped jumping backwards and her back hit the wall. A small whine came from the critter that just scared the shit out of the girl.

"A dog?" Mercedes gaspped putting her hand on her heart. "You're just a dog." She repeated.

The dog sat down and tilted it's head. It barked causing Mercedes eyes to widen. "Shh! We don't want walkers to come." She scolded the pup.

The dog let out anther whine and Mercedes stepped closer to it. "Hey, it's okay. I ain't gonna hurt you." She softy said. She held her hand out towards the dog to sniff.

After smelling her hand the dog rubbed it's nose against it. Mercedes laughed a little. "You're a sweetheart, aren't ya? You hungry?"

𝖤𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝖿 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋

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