Cheap sneakers (cp 6)

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"How did you do that so perfectly?" The doctor spoke looking up at his boyfriend. "Because I paid attention to the video and didn't just do it" Aban mocked continuing to paint his shoes. Stone had this great idea to spend money on some cheap sneakers to paint later for each other. Stone had put a video on to make sure they know what they're doing since it is a different surface. Ivo thought because he's so smart he would not need the video... He evidently was very wrong. The lines only came out lopsided and the use of paint only make things worse. Stone on the other hand did things with ease, his lines were perfect and the paint was easy for him.

Ivo groaned and tried to fix it but only made it worse again. He threw the brush to the table and put his hands in his hair. "I give up! This is impossible!" Ivo yelled leaning back in his chair. "You found something you can't do the first time and give up? Thats not the robotnik I know" The agent muttered and looked up at him. Stone walked behind him and kissed his neck. "You're right" Robotnik said continuing his work. The agent smiled and kissed his cheek before going back to his.

They spent hours on the shoes. Mainly Ivo, trying to perfect every line and edge. They finally finished, paint all over them and their work space but they were proud of their work. They swapped the shoes and finally got a look at the shoes the other made them. Stone took inspiration from the chaos emerald though still sticking to robotniks black and red theme.

(Think this but with emerald green shoe laces)

Ivo on the other hand had made stone a latte themed shoes

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Ivo on the other hand had made stone a latte themed shoes. They were a beige brown color with white and a coffee mug painted on the side. Stone thought they were adorable and immediately wanted to wear them. Ivo still saw the imperfections in the shoe but once he saw how happy they made stone he didn't care much anymore.

(Think this but in the colors I described and swap the strawberrys with a latte.)

The whole day they were wearing the shoes they made each other

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The whole day they were wearing the shoes they made each other. Though they were imperfect they made each other the happiest. The shoes may be cheap and the lines may not be the straightest but the thoughts count more then anything else.

I saw those strawberry shoes and immediately though of this idk why though, I'm updating more then I though I would, so glad I've had more time to do this!

Anyway why does my guy look like he'd slap me and say its because hes a alpha-

Anyway why does my guy look like he'd slap me and say its because hes a alpha-

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