transformers got too real (cp.7)

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Tw: needles?

A/N: This is after the second movie but like if the second movie didn't happen if that makes sense. So robotnik came back but he never met knuckles kinda thing. Hopefully that makes some sense.

Robotnik winced as the shot pierced through his skin, injecting the testosterone into where his thigh meets his groin. When he was finshed he quickly took it off, making sure to cover the needle and putting a bandage over the injury. He had done this so many times now it was muscle memory at this point. He put the needle back in the container where it will not accidentally poke anyone. Ivo usually did this when no one was around, but this morning he woke up later then usual, which came as a shock to his usual punctual mind. He speculated that it was because of his stress. He had to tell stone about him, but he couldn't find the right words to explain it. He didn't want to lose him because of this, sure Stone is gay and all but being trans and dating someone who's trans is a completely different thing. What if Stone wasn't comfortable dating someone who's trans, what if he doesn't support him. The thoughts about Stone leaving him pounded in his head, making him ultimately forget about the container of testosterone and the needle on the table besides him.

"Doctor-" Stone spoke pleasantly before stopping. He looked at the container and what was inside, he didn't quite know what was inside but saw something inside none the less. Ivo shot up from his seat and moved to cover the box, his pant leg falling down but Aban still saw the bandage on his thigh before it did. "Robotnik sir, what is that?" Stone asked professionally. He thought maybe it was some type of medicine, maybe Robotnik was trying something out with his machines. He didn't think anything negative of it and thought it was just Ivo being Ivo. Robotnik on the other hand was freaking out. He knew that he'd have to explain it to him some day but not so soon. When Robotnik ended up on that mushroom planet and he stopped taking testosterone so abruptly it changed him. He became to get depressed as his body slowly changed back, now that he was on it again it made him happier. Stone just thought something happened that changed him a little while he was gone, but he didn't think anything of it. Robotnik grew back his hair and he looked healthy again, But now having to explain this to Stone brought him back to that state again. His grip on the table increased as his breath hitched. "It is now or never" He thought before clearing his throat.

"I have to tell you something, Important" Ivo uttered turning around to face the container. He closed the container and threw a few things out. Stone waited patiently, leaning against the wall. He wondered what they needed to talk about. Maybe Ivo stopped liking goats milk. Maybe he needed help with a study on gay frogs... "Why would he need to study gay frogs?" He thought to himself, he eagerly tapped his fingers against the wall and waited for Ivo to put away his things. When he was done, he looked at Stone and took a deep breath. Ivo thought about how he was going to word things to Stone, but nothing ever came out right. Things were to sappy or too weird or too much information all at once. If he couldn't explain it to him he'd show him. He looked through his things when he finally found it. A picture of him in highschool, before testosterone, and before he started dressing masculine, when he was in the closet, questioning who he was. He'd always known he wanted to do something great but being trans at that time didn't come to him. He always felt dysphoria in his body but then he had only thought it was because he was crazy. More then crazy, insane. He thought that he loved his body and that it was just hormones. Female to male never crossed his mind until college. When he first saw a transgender woman at a pride parade.

"Stone" He said softly. His voice was hoarse and squeaky. Stone swiftly walked up to him and looked the picture. "Who is she?" He asked, his eyes darted the picture. She looked like Ivo, but it couldn't be right? Does he have a sister? A kid? A cousin? What does this have to do with anything important? "Me, in college" Ivo uttered. "What do you mean?" Stone mumbled looking at him. God did he look like a girl in college, He wondered why he had long hair like that and why he keeps it so short now. Maybe its because he looked so feminine, or because it got caught in his machines as he worked. Or maybe- "Stone im transgender, female to male," Ivo finally confessed, His hands shook and his eyes were squeezed shut. "Oh... Okay? So?" Stone said giving him the latte. "So? Aren't you going to scream at me or something, maybe hit me, or maybe you'll try something else"

"I love you for you darling, not whats in your pants or what you were before, Now drink before it gets cold, i know how you are with reheated lattes" Stone smiled kissing his cheek. "You don't care" he asked, taking a sip of his latte. "Im glad you told me, I promise you that it doesn't matter to me anyway. I love you even if you were a gay frog" Stone joked, kissing the top of his head. "I love you too mon amour"



Idk i has feeling dysphoric today so i made this. Happy pride gay fucks and trans sluts!

Anyway the character designs of shadow and sonic in the fanart have me down bad rn

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