twinkle twinkle little star (cp 2)

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"Stone?" The doctor grumbled wiping the blood off his finger. "yes sir" Stone smiled walking up to him. "Fetch me a latte and a bandaid. The machine cut my thumb" Robotnik said eyes not leaving his creations. "yes sir" Stone agreed and was off to make the latte for his doctor.

It was another late night and neither had slept well for a few nights. Stone was bound to faint soon but he didn't say anything because he knew the doctor hated when anyone bothered him.

A few moments later the exhausted agent walked in with the latte and a bandaid for the cut. "here sir" stone yawned placing the latte down. Robotnik grabbed the bandaid, put it on his thumb, and continued to work on his machines. The agent yawned again, rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands and blinked, trying anything to stay awake. "Stone" The doctor said sternly eventually turning his chair to face the agent. "yes doctor" Stone mumbled out, the words falling almost silent. "pin yourself against the wall" The doctor spoke again as sternly as the last and standing up from his chair.

The agent did as he was told pinning himself to the wall and thinking about what may have made his doctor so displeased. The doctor walked up to him and lifted his chin with his hand. "what have I told you about not telling me when you aren't doing so well." The doctor spoke, grabbing stones waist, pulling him closer. "I'm fine doctor, nothing I can't handle," Stone mumbled akwardly against Robotniks neck. "I can tell you're tired, do you take me for stupid?"

"no of course not!" Stone uttered looking into his eyes. The doctor sighed and picked his agent up, sitting down on his chair. "is this necessary, I-" Stone spoke up but was cut off by Robotnik's words. "are you questioning me stone" he said continuing his work. "sorry doctor"

"I care for you amour, you can tell me these things," He said kissing the agent's cheek softly. The agent merely hummed and hugged him closer. He Was glad ivo was here for him and that he could he soft with him.

"I love you stone"

" 'mm love you too Ivo"


Btw these were the bandaids I imagined stone gave him😭:

I wrote this in my noted at like 12am so it's like barley thought out but who really cares 💕💕💕

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I wrote this in my noted at like 12am so it's like barley thought out but who really cares 💕💕💕

Hope y'all have a good Christmas!!!

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