"You the nigga that's dating our mama. I'll keep it short, you hurt her I'll break you." Alex said.

"Alex stop being overprotective." We heard my mom say as she came downstairs.

"I'm sorry mama, but as long as he knows. I'm Alex. Her son-in-law." He said as he reached his hand out. Harper shook his hand. Alex looked at Xavier and gave him a head nod.

"Wassup kid." He said.

"Wassup. Hi Amora." Xavier said as they dapped each other up.

"Hi, Xavier." I said.

"Hurt her I'll break you too. Nia y'all riding with us." He said. As I shook my head.

"Baby stop." I told him as I placed my hand on his back.

"I'm not doing anything. But I heard you play ball." He said to Xavier.

"Yea I do, I wanted to tell you I was a fan. I've watched your games with Nia." Xavier replied.

"I like you already." Alex said as he and Xavier walked outside to continue their conversation.

"Well, that went better than I thought." Nia said as we both laughed.

"Y'all look cute together." I told her as we walked outside. I saw Xavier show something to Alex on his phone. I saw my mom.

"Mom you go be okay with him?"

"Yes, we going to follow behind y'all." She said as I nodded my head. Alex opened the passenger door for me. I saw Xavier open the door for Nia and then got in. Alex got in and started driving. Once we got to the venue, we all walked inside. Me and Alex went to the back where the dressing rooms were at.

"I love you, cariño."

"I love you too, butterfly." He said as he kissed my forehead. He went to my dad's dressing room as I went to Ms. Danielle's dressing room. I walked in and seeing Destiny and Heaven in their dresses that I decided to design for them as well.

"Hey Amora, thank you again for the dresses. I know I didn't go all out like most brides do but this is enough." Ms. Danielle said.

"I'm happy you like them, that's all that matters. And you look good in it." I said as I fixed a part of her dress.

"Thank you, you look good too. I love this outfit." She said.

"Thank you." We talked a little more then it was time for the ceremony to start. I go and sit in the front. I watched my father and Alex walk in. Alex smiled at me and I smiled back. Heaven was the flower girl. So after she finished she came to me. We all stand to watch Ms. Danielle walk down the aisle with Destiny on her arm. Once they got to the front we all sat down. Heaven sat down next to me.

"Do you, Jason take Danielle as your wife, to love her, to cherish her, nurture her, and support her, in times of joy and in times of difficulty? Do you promise to remain by her side regardless of what trouble befalls you, and in the presence of temptation to forsake this love, do you promise to remain steadfast and true? Do you promise with all your heart and soul to honor this vow till death do you part?" The preacher says. I saw my father smile.

"I do." He said. The preacher spoke again.

"Do you, Danielle take Jason as your husband, to love him, to cherish him, nurture him, and support him, in times of joy and in times of difficulty? Do you promise to remain by his side regardless of what trouble befalls you, and in the presence of temptation to forsake this love, do you promise to remain steadfast and true? Do you promise with all your heart and soul to honor this vow till death do you part?"

"I do." Danielle said.

"So now we come to the presentation of rings by which you symbolize and bind your love.
Let the seamless circle of these rings become the symbol of your endless love and unending faithfulness. Your wedding rings are most special because they say that even in your uniqueness you have chosen to be bonded, to allow the presence of another human being to enhance who you are. As you wear them through time, they will reflect not only who you are but also the glorious union that you are now creating." He said. We all watched Alex give my dad the rings, and then we watched them put the rings on each other fingers.

"Jason and Danielle having proclaimed your love and commitment to one another in the eyes of these loved ones, and with the power vested in me and the state of Texas, I am so happy to pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss your bride" The preacher said. We watched my dad kiss her as we stood and clapped. They walked down the aisle together. I saw Alex come towards me putting his arm around my waist. I looked at him.

"Ready to eat?" He said as I laughed.


It's been a good hour we are still at the wedding. I'm sitting at our table with Nia and Xavier. Alex and my dad are having a conversation on the other side of the room.

"Flash or Superman." Xavier asked us.

"Flash." We both said. He looked at us like we were crazy.

"No, why?" He asked.

"Because he's the fastest man alive." Nia said as I agreed.

"I believe Flash would win in that race. Sorry buddy." I said as me and Nia laughed. We heard someone speak in the mic it was Alex.

"Good evening everyone, I hope everyone is having a good time. I'm not going to talk too long but Ms. Danielle this is your wedding gift. From me and your husband. He came to me about it and I agreed to do it because I love seeing you guys happy. I wish you both the most love. So work with me as I sing this song." He said. Then he started singing.

He looked at me as he sang some of the lyrics. When he was done, everyone clapped for him. He said thank you in the mic then walked towards me.

"When your mom told me you could sing I thought she was just messing with me." I told him as he laughed.

"No baby, I can I just don't as much." He replied.

"Well you have to start singing to me." I said as he took my hand walking me to the dance floor.

"I will do whatever you want baby. The song was for you." He said as we started slow dancing.


"I'm stuck on you butterfly." He said. I laid my head on his chest as we continued to dance. Once the wedding was over, Alex dropped off Kevin at his house. Then we drove home. My mom said she was staying with Harper tonight. They were cute together, it's nice seeing her happy. We got to the house. We all walked in together. Me and Alex both said goodnight to Nia and then went to our room. We showered together and then laid down together.

"Baby, can you sing me to sleep?" I asked as he laughed.

"Sure, what song?"

"The song from earlier." I told him. He said okay and started singing.

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