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CHUNG-CHA HELD THE RECIPE out like a treasure map, and stepped inside the grocery store to hunt for the ingredients. After, with a basket full of vegetables, meat, and sauces, she went to pay at the cashier.

"You're really early." Bo-Ram commented as she scanned the items. "No microwaveable food today?"

"I'm finally cooking!"

"Congratulations! Let me guess—" Bo-Ram paused and looked at the food "—gimbap?"

Chung-Cha gave her a thumbs up. "I'll prepare the ingredients before work, then assemble it during my break. I think it will be okay. I hope."

"All the best." Bo-Ram chuckled. "We're still meeting after my shift, right?"

"Of course! I can't finish all this gimbap by myself." Chung-Cha paid with her credit card, and the transaction went through. She grabbed the groceries, beaming at Bo-Ram. "See you later!"

Chung-Cha walked back to her building. At some point, she encountered Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom, who were at the exercise corner. However, besides them, the place was quite empty; it was similar to a ghost town. A wave of melancholy washed over Chung-Cha. Despite not being a fan of crowds, seeing a place supposed to be bustling with life so quiet and lonely was depressing.

After the incident and various controversies surrounding Seyang Forest Le Ciel Apartment Complex (such as the policy of rentals being denied access to certain facilities, which thankfully had been scrapped), many people moved out. Some also didn't end up moving in, leaving many unoccupied units. Those who remained stayed away from Chung-Cha and all the other Building 101 residents too. 

Maybe in a few years, everyone would forget about the incident. It'll be like a bad dream; a hazy memory that leaves a vague feeling of unease.

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It took Chung-Cha several attempts to properly roll the ingredients. The first time, she didn't roll it tightly enough. The second time, the bamboo mat somehow got stuck in the gimbap. However, when she finally got it, she triumphantly held the gimbap up. Then, she took several (a lot) of pictures of it, and sent them to her parents. She stored the rest of the gimbap, and went to eat lunch. Chung-Cha delicately put one piece into her mouth. She chewed slowly, savouring every texture and flavour. Satisfied, she swallowed it. Pride bubbled in her chest; she had made this.

Chung-Cha spent the rest of her break sitting by the window. The 12th floor was so high up; it was scary, but at the same time liberating. Clouds inched past, catching her eye. She looked up and gasped when she noticed the colour of the sky. It was a vibrant blue, just like on that day. She glanced at the clock and saw that she still had some time left. 

Taking out her beloved acrylic set, Chung-Cha quickly got to work. She mixed the blues and greens together, experimenting, trying to find that shade of blue. Finally, she held up her paintbrush. The colour matched that of the sky.

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