Elusive Ejection and Misguided Mistake

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"I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS FOR SOME TIME, what music are you always listening to?"

Bo-Ram opened her eyes and smiled knowingly, giving Chung-Cha one earbud. "Classical music. You might think it's lame, but when it blocks everything out, and all you can hear is the melody; it calms me down."

"Well, I don't think it's lame." The song had ended and Chung-Cha returned the earbud. "It's the same for me, except with art. I have this notebook, and I draw in it whenever I'm upset of afraid, although I've lost it. I guess you can say that art is my source of happiness? Even if it is messy." Chung-Cha laughed, and pointed to the stains on her shirt, which got stained when she was experimenting with oil pastels the day before. She glanced at the clock and immediately quietened down. "Ah, it's almost time. Let's go."


Chung-Cha wasn't listening during the first part of the meeting. The two opposing sides (namely Hae-Sung and Sae-Bom) were doing a last ditch effort to convince people to vote for their side. However, one glance at the place where the video was shot, Chung-Cha knew that her theory about someone provoking Trainer Kim was correct. The equipment was really too far for him to accidentally knock it down.

"That's enough, let's vote. Who agrees with kicking him out?"

Chung-Cha perked up and looked around the gym. Nobody raised their hand.

Hae-Sung continued, "It doesn't mean we have to kick him outside. It means we should not let him blend in with normal people. If we lock him up on a rooftop and totally separate him, then we'll all be safe. Don't you think?"

They were already separating Trainer Kim by keeping him here in the gym. Then, why were they even talking about kicking him out?

"Just be honest and raise your hand. You can be honest about your opinions. Hurry up and raise your hand."

Desperation was not a good look on Hae-Sung. Still, eventually, people started raising their hand. Ten people voted to kick Trainer Kim out, including a suspicious last-minute voter who changed her mind when So-Yoon (Hae-Sung's wife) refused to vote.

"Those who disagree?"

The remaining people raised their hand. Ten, again.

"Hold on." Sae-Bom looked at the gym door expectantly, and everyone followed her gaze curiously. As if on cue, a person in a fully-body hazmat suit walked through. Everyone was caught off-guard, even Chung-Cha. The all-white outfit reminded Chung-Cha of Andrew with his all-black outfit. Two social recluses with strange outfit choices; they could definitely become friends.

"Let's not kick him out. I vote for that." Then, he turned around and walked out.

"Who was that?" Bo-Ram whispered.

Chung-Cha shrugged, grinning. "No idea, but that was cool. He was like a superhero, or something." On the first day of the lockdown, Andrew said he wanted to be a superhero. Chung-Cha felt her cheeks heat up, surprised that she was suddenly thinking so much about him. Well, he did leave a lasting first impression, being the only person to help her when she had that breakdown at the first residents' meeting. And he looked cool.

"Eleven votes. It's done." Sae-Bom clapped her hands. "Now then, let's discuss how to monitor Mr Kim. It's tiring for us and Detective Kim to keep monitoring him."

Yi-Hyun continued, "Let's form groups of two and monitor his condition. Who wants to go first?" He looked at Hae-Sung. "Or do you want to follow the rules of democracy and vote?" This time, he didn't bother to hide his smile.

Yeah, no. Chung-Cha looked at the ground and discretely scooted away from Bo-Ram. That way, they couldn't form a pair.

"We will do it first," Hyun-Kyung volunteered. Soo-Min protested, but relented when everyone was looking at him. Chung-Cha sent a silent thank-you to her fearless neighbors.

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The meeting was over, but Chung-Cha stayed behind to search for her notebook, which she was now absolutely certain she dropped in the gym. Bo-Ram was helping her, while Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom were giving instructions to the siblings. Chung-Cha debated whether she should tell them about the serial killer, but ultimately decided against it because she didn't have enough solid evidence against the male cleaner. When they left, Soo-Min turned to Chung-Cha. "Hey, since you're here, why don't you swap with me?"

"Mister, you're older than me. Besides, I'm leaving soon. And Trainer Kim is nice, right?" Chung-Cha gave him a thumbs-up. It was hard to be afraid of the infected when they had a name and face, which made Chung-Cha feel very conflicted. She was supposed to afraid of them.

She continued searching.

Bo-Ram was resting, sitting on one of the treadmills. "I've been thinking, it must suck to lose your source of happiness, like your art and my music. Yesterday, bleached hair dropped his phone at the building entrance. Yes, he is annoying, but what if that's his source of happiness? Maybe someone should help him find it, like how I'm helping you right now."

"You want to go out?" Chung-Cha asked, incredulous.

Bo-Ram shrugged. "Why not? It's just outside the door. In then out, it'll be quick."

"It doesn't sound like a good idea."

"It's not like the infected is going to be waiting outside for us."

The two stared at each other. Chung-Cha conceded first. "Whatever. You're an adult, you can make your own decisions. But I really think it's a bad idea."

Bo-Ram stood up and left without saying anything else, so Chung-Cha wasn't sure what her decision was. She searched the gym again, but there was nothing. One of the cleaners must have taken it. Chung-Cha cursed loudly. The notebook was personal, she didn't want anyone reading through it. Frustrated, she went home.



That woke Chung-Cha up. She panicked; what was that? Looking around wildly, the house was empty besides her. Bo-Ram wasn't back yet, and Chung-Cha hoped she was safe. She stayed huddled on the sofa, listening out for any more sounds.

The doorbell rang, and Chung-Cha sprung to open it. "Wha- What was that? Was it a gunshot? Who was shot?" At the end, her voice was barely a whisper.

Sae-Bom sighed. "It was Mr Kim. He's dead."

Chung-Cha gripped the door as her vision started spinning. In less than a week, two deaths had occurred in their building. First Min-Ji, now Trainer Kim. And Trainer Kim, oh, Chung-Cha had only seen him a while ago. She smiled and hoped he would get better soon. Now, he was dead.

Sae-Bom wasn't finished. "Hyun-Kyung saw the shooting. Her brother is also missing. She's not doing well, so we've given her a sleeping pill. Please look after her."

Chung-Cha nodded mutely. Was this what Yi-Hyun told Hyun-Kyung after the incident with Joo-Hyung? Regardless, it was time for Chung-Cha to help Hyun-Kyung, after all she had done for her.

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