Handy Help and Events Elsewhere

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TRIGGER WARNING: assault, guns

THE HWANGBO FAMILY SPENT THE WHOLE OF YESTERDAY talking about Mad Human Disease and the treatment for Chung-Cha's concussion, that Chung-Cha did not have the chance to tell her parents about what had happened in her building during the lockdown. The next day, she finally told them the full truth. Pushing through the headaches (the painkillers helped a lot), Chung-Cha started from the run-in with Joo-Hyung and ended with the escape. As if all that information was not enough for her parents, she also played the recordings and videos. It brought back unpleasant memories. However, it was far worse for her parents, who had no idea what she was going through. Recounting all this only took about two hours, but it felt like a lifetime to Chung-Cha.

By the end of her story, the room was silent. Chung-Cha was gripped with irrational fear; were they mad at her for being so reckless and involving herself too much? However, Chung-Cha's mom moved to embrace her, and her fears dissipated. "I'm glad you're safe," she murmured, stroking her hair. Chung-Cha cried, melting into her mom's hug. Telling everything to someone else allowed her to process all that she had been through. It was as if she was going full-steam during the lockdown, and could only slow down and evaluate everything after she was out.

The room was quiet again, except for Chung-Cha's sniffling. Her dad patted her shoulder. "First, we should call the police and hand over the evidence," he said, breaking the silence. Chung-Cha lifted her head to look at him. The structure was familiar, it gave her comfort. "Then, we should contact an attorney for the court case."

"Hold on. The evidence is incomplete. We still need the drawings for the police to identify the victims." Chung-Cha's mom paused. "We also need to explain how you did it. What is the court's stance on supernatural reasons?" she asked her husband.

He took out his phone. "I'll check. I'll call Hanbada Law Firm. You can call the police. Chung-Cha, you call your friend and tell her to keep the notebook safe."

Immediately, everyone got to work. Glancing up from her phone, she realised that her parents were at opposite corners of the hospital room so that they wouldn't disturb each other. Quietly, she hoped that Sae-Bom had people supporting her, too, in her mission to save Yi-Hyun. Chung-Cha messaged Hyun-Kyung, asking her for a few more favours.

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Sae-Bom managed to escape the quarantine centre, with the help of Han Tae-Seok (she begrudgingly admitted that she could not have done it without him). She sneaked through the barricade surrounding the apartment complex, then she was inside. However, she was trapped outside the building, stuck in the carpark. Of course, they had locked the building doors to ensure that no infected could enter, but now Sae-Bom really needed to go inside. She took out her gun, about to shoot the glass, but stopped when Ms Na appeared. 

"Soo-Min!" Ms Na yelled, "The door!"

Her brother unlocked the door, and quickly locked it again when Sae-Bom was inside. The siblings bombarded her with questions, but Sae-Bom grabbed their hands, making them stop. "How did you know I was coming?"

Ms Na held up her phone. "Chung-Cha called me."

 Sae-Bom sent a silent thank-you to Chung-Cha. "What about Yi-Hyun? Is he safe?" The siblings looked at each other, but didn't say anything. "... Is he alive?"

Ms Na nodded hesitantly. "He's alive, but he is infected." 

She knew that already. "Where is he?"

"He should be at Unit 501, but—" That was the only thing Sae-Bom needed to know. She told them about lockdown ending soon and that they should to return to their house for the time being, before running further inside the building. She reached the 5th floor and practically kicked the door to the staircase open. Yi-Hyun was so close, just a few steps away. 

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