(1.) The beginning

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Hi guys! This story is gonna be very long but good basically you are gonna grow up with tom, bill, georg, and gustav and life is gonna go on yk. Enjoy!
*beep* *beep*
I open my eyes groaning quietly slowly getting up. I turn my alarm off then start to get up I yawn loudly thinking about how much I hate getting up at 6:00 in the morning I sigh as I go to the restroom slowly undressing getting ready to take a shower.
*time skip*

After brushing my teeth I picked out my clothes.

After dressing I put on my black converse then got ready to do my hair and makeup

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After dressing I put on my black converse then got ready to do my hair and makeup.

After doing my hair I put on some hoop earrings and a star necklace

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After doing my hair I put on some hoop earrings and a star necklace. Finally getting up from my chair I walk out of my room to see my dog lulu running around in circles trying to bite her tail I laughed a little then bended down to pick her up and scratch her neck. After walking down the halls I opened the backyard door so lulu can use the restroom she practically flew out of my hands just so she can catch the birds but the birds flew away as soon as she landed on the ground. After she was done she came back inside and started playing with her toys I closed the door and walked into the kitchen to find my parents and brother. My mom was making breakfast my dad was cleaning up and my brother was just sitting down trying to wake up, I smiled " good morning" I said "good morning" my parents said in harmony. The only thing that could escape my brothers mouth was a "mhm" god he was so tired I gently patted his back while sitting down next to him
*time skip*

After eating breakfast I kissed my parents on the cheek goodbye while grabbing my car keys tell my brother to hurry up so we are not late to school "Alright alright I'm coming" he said I rolled my eyes and started to walk out of the door. After getting in my car here comes my brother getting in the passenger seat "seatbelt Sebastian" "yeah yeah I got it" I started the car and peacefully start driving him to his school.When he got there I said goodbye to him and he did the same then he closed the car door gently while walking to my old middle school. I stayed there for a minute making sure he got in safe then started driving to my school. When I got there I was greeted with a tight but calming hug but my best friend Harley. I hugged her back and smiled "I missed you so much"she said while holding my hand "I missed you too" sorry I was gone for so long. "Don't apologize you know you couldn't do anything." "Yeah.." I looked down at the ground remembering what happened...

*Flash back*

"Please don't go to that party tonight lily I feel like something bad is gonna happen."

"Don't worry y/n I will be safe and everything is gonna be find I will bring you back something."

"Ok I believe you, bye bye hope you have a good time!"

I will thank you! Bye sis"

(A couple of hours later)

"Hey y/n what are you doing?"

"Hi grandpa just doing my math homework"

"Oh nice" he said while sitting down on the couch turning on the t.v then putting the news channel on

Then I saw it...

             20 PEOPLE DEAD

All of a sudden my mom phones rings she answers it and the look on her face shows it all she drops her phone and falls to the ground crying by then I knew what happened I felt my whole soul and heart go into the ground and felt warm tears falling down my cheek..

*flash back ends*

Harley patted my back "Don't worry I will be here every second to cheer you up!" I smiled "thank you"I said " No problem not let's get to class or we will be late!"
Ok guys the the first chapter! That was kinda hard to do but I enjoyed it! Please comment and tell me thing I can add too thank you for reading!
719 words

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