chap. 16.3 - questioning morality (the finale)

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Author's note:
Would someone read this if I published it as a proper book? I'm feeling my creative flow lately so lmk.


Enid was laying on her bed, wide awake. It could've been hours, it could've been minutes. Her eyes were fixed onto the ceiling as if there was anything interesting to see other than the wooden boards she had counted a million times. Now what? She was at a loss. How would they continue from now on? Enid covered her face with her hands, feeling frustrated. Why did things have to be so complicated? Why couldn't everything just be figured out already?

"Enid?" Wednesday's voice could suddenly be heard and Enid thought she was going to die on the spot. "Yes?" Enid tried her best to sound normal, but she could hear how unsure she was loud and clear in her spoken voice. "Are you alright? You've been moving around a lot and making frustrated noises." Enid swallowed. So Wednesday had heard all that? "I'm alright. Thank you." They fell silent. Enid felt tense and tried to think of a way to break the silence. Could she just directly ask Wednesday? She was about to contemplate even more when she heard herself talk once more. "Wednesday," she paused, gathering her thoughts. "What do we do now?"

They had merely known their liking for each other for a few hours, but it was already destroying Enid. When they hated each other things were easy and clear. Well, mostly. Somewhere Enid knew she was only hating on Wednesday out of self hatred, but that was a whole 'nother issue she had to get to another time. Now she had to focus on what was happening presently and presently Wednesday Addams was laying on her floor, wounded and seemingly confused. "Well, what would you like to do now?" Wednesday didn't really have an answer either.

Enid sighed. "I don't know," she turned onto her side, looking down at Wednesday. "Why does this have to be so difficult?" Wednesday looked up at her or at least Enid thought she did. The room was still completely dark, making it quite hard to tell what was actually going on. "Do you care about your reputation?" Enid thought about it. What a weird question. Didn't everyone just say they didn't care when in reality everyone cared at least a little bit? Picking out good outfits, wearing make-up, maybe even behaving in a certain way. Everyone did something to appeal to the general public. "I don't know." Enid wasn't quite sure where Wednesday was going with this. 

"Why do you ask?" Wednesday took a moment to reply, making Enid a bit anxious. "I was just thinking we could start by being friendly in the hallways. Thought, that might make us look like hypocrites. That's why I was asking." Wednesday got quieter with every word as if she wasn't already naturally quiet. It felt as if she was nervous talking about the both of them in a friendly matter. Which on one side was funny to Enid since they had both already gotten their confessions behind them, but on the other side terrified her just as much, if not more. "I'm going to say something bold here, alright?" Enid suddenly felt a burst of confidence. She didn't know why. Maybe it was Wednesday's presence? In the past it had motivated her to be openly mean and embarrassing so why not be honest now?

"I want more than just friendly." Enid could've sworn she felt Wednesday swallow. She wasn't sure why she had said it. It had merely been a few hours since she had even admitted her feelings to herself, let alone Wednesday. Where was this coming from? What would Wednesday say? Her questions were soon answered when Wednesday started to speak once more. "I think I'd like that as well. No reputation, then?" Enid nodded as if Wednesday could see. "No reputation."


Enid looked at her phone. The time was just seconds away from hitting 8AM. As it did she immediately got up out of her bed. She was already dressed and pretty much ready for the day. As was Wednesday. They hadn't gotten a lot of sleep. Mostly having talked for a lot of the night or just stared at the ceiling together. Wednesday had laid down next to Enid at some point, causing the  blonde girl to almost explode from butterflies in her stomach. 

"Are you ready?" Enid looked at Wednesday, smiling at her. They were standing in front of Enid's door, holding hands. Wednesday nodded, reaching forward to open the door. "Now or never", were her last words before they started stepping out into the hall. They weren't really sure what they had expected, but no one seemed to really care or even look in their general direction. Maybe this whole thing was a lot bigger in their world than it actually was in reality. 

They continued walking down the hall, trying to appear confident. In reality Enid was a nervous wreck. It was one thing to watch out for strangers, but it was another to see her friends' reaction, which was bound to happen. And it didn't take long until it did. "What the actual FUCK?!" A scream was suddenly heard from a bit further in front of them. Undeniably Yoko's voice. "Guys!" Bianca and Divina appeared beside Yoko. "Oh my god, finally." Divina was the first one to speak up. "Say what now?" Enid's face changed from fear into confusion. "Why do you think Yoko kept teasing you about it? We were all waiting for this to happen. The only question is what made the both of you finally snap?" Enid lightly scratched at her neck. "It's a long story."

Suddenly Yoko started giggling. "I bet they had some kind of movie moment involving falling into each other. I can see it clearly." Enid rolled her eyes. This seemed to become quite a habit of hers. "Sure. Let's go with that." They all seemed to lightly laugh it off, before Yoko turned to walk away. "You love-birds coming?" Enid nodded. "Don't ever say that again." She was about to start walking behind Yoko, when Wednesday held her back by her hand, looking at Enid with an unreadable expression. "What's wrong?" The blonde asked in a concerned tone, not knowing what was about to happen next. "It's my turn to be brave."

With that Wednesday pushed herself up onto her toe-tips and held onto Enid's face, before planting a short peck on the girl's lips, giving her the biggest smile she had probably ever formed after. 


Author's Note:

They've finally kissed. Long overdue. Hope you enjoyed this three-shot. Again lmk about the book thing.

Also, my favorite fanfiction hasn't been updated in almost two weeks, which is also roughly the time span in which I haven't talked to my ex. Coincidence? (Definitely they have nothing to do with each other.) I think not.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed, hoping you have a good night :D <3

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