chap. 10 - me gustas tu

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(Author's note)

Just something beforehand: "..." = regular dialogue, 'italics' = thoughts



Wednesday and Enid were entering the quad, enjoying their lunchbreak. "It's so full today", Enid noted, before sitting down by the well, opposite from where Bianca sat. Wednesday simply stood in front of her. People were running around everywhere, talking, simply making a  lot of noise. Enid could clearly see the discomfort in Wednesday's face. "We can go inside soon, if you'd like. I just really wanted to enjoy the sun for a moment. I really like the sunshine. Feels so nice on my skin." Wednesday again simply stood in front of Enid. "I also like cancerous sky beams" - 'I like you'.

They had just reentered their dorm room, when Enid once again spun around to face Wednesday, eyes full of excitement. "How do you feel about the redecoration I did with my side of the room?" She paused for a moment, giving Wednesday time to analyze the redecorating she had done. It wasn't a lot she had simply put up a few picture frames of herself, Wednesday and their friends. Enid stepped closer to one of the pictures of the two of them, which depicted them with their shared bucket of popcorn at the movies in Jericho's small local theater. "I was so scared when we saw this movie but I still really like this picture." Enid smiled, remembering how she had begged Wednesday to sleep in her bed the night after, because of how terrifying the movie was. "I like it. It's quite pleasant." - 'I like you'.

It wasn't much later, when they were standing in front of the large window in their room, looking outside at the setting sun. It was shining brightly, illuminating the sky in all kinds of colors. The nicest shades of orange, pink, blue and purple Wednesday had ever seen and she instantly had to think back to the girl of her admiration and her adorably dyed hair. Even if it was quite faded out at this point it still seemed to be one of the blonde's trademarks, everyone probably recognizing her by it at his point. "You know, I really like the sunset. Maybe even more than the bare sunshine from earlier." Wednesday stood quietly as usual, hands behind her back. She looked at Enid who was still looking out the window. "I like it as well. It's pleasant. Like an introduction to the night." - 'I like you'.

Enid was about to get into bed, when she halted almost in the middle of their room, looking at Wednesday. "You know, I really like where we are right now. I like you a lot. I like this a lot." Wednesday looked at Enid, smiling at the words. "I like you too."


(Author's note 2):

I don't feel too hot about the ending but I can out of proof readers so if anyone is up for it dm me lmfao

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