chap. 01 - actually, I do need you

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-Maybe spoiler warning?-

(Set during the time when Enid meant to move out of their dorm)

Wednesday was alone. 'Finally', she thought. It was a silent night, everything was dark, except for the full moon shining brightly in the night sky. She was resting her elbows on the railing to her room's balcony. Looking down, she saw the dark, almost unsettling tree-tops of the forest that surrounded Nevermore. It was almost too quiet, she thought, having long become accustomed to her overly loud roommate. Things had changed. Before she came here, Wednesday would've appreciated the silence, enjoyed it even. Before she wouldn't have given a second thought about anything regarding this. But now? Now she could almost feel herself admitting that she missed the loud wolf girl.

They had fought, horribly, just an hour ago, causing Enid to run out of their room and even request a room change with Ms. Thornhill. Though, Wednesday wasn't sure if she meant it. Ever since Enid left she would keep coming back, having "forgotten" small unimportant items, like the one bottle of nail polish she never even used.

'Why am I even second-guessing this' Wednesday looked up for a moment, just to all of a sudden see Enid standing beside her. She wasn't directly next to her but close enough. The girl was holding onto the balcony rail, not saying a single word. 'Probably for the first time in her life', Wednesday mentally commented, having the manners not to say it out loud. She hated to admit it, but she was glad Enid came back to her. Of course she would've preferred torture over admitting that out loud.

"You know", Enid started, looking into the sky and carefully searching for her next words. "You know you can be a bitch sometimes, right? Making people become attached to you, just to completely shut them out because they aren't important to you anymore. You know that's really selfish, right? I know you're not the most empathic person which is fine, you know, but you don't have to be such a bitch about it." A tear started to roll down Enid's eye and Wednesday was bracing herself for what was about to come. After all it was Enid she was talking to.

"Not only are you selfish and unempathetic, no you have to be a bitch about it too. High and mighty Wednesday on her high horse. You know, you would actually make me so sick if I didn't know you? You heard me. I know you. I've figured you out. It was hard, trust me, but I have. And you wanna know what I realized through this? Not even deep down do you care. You care about no one, but yourself. I hate you so much Wednesday Addams, you know that?" Once again silence had returned, only Enid's light sobbing could be heard.

"You know what bothers me most about this, Addams?" Wednesday didn't return anything. She didn't reply, she didn't even look at Enid. She just stood and listened. "I still found myself all day just thinking about you. Thinking about wanting to come back here, thinking about why it would be so painful for me to be that far from you when you're such a horrible person. I kept trying to tell myself. 'You're better than this, Enid', 'You don't need her, Enid.', 'You're strong and independent, Enid.', 'You have other friends, Enid'. All that. And still, I'm back here and I don't know if I hate myself or you more for it. I hate you so much, Wednesday Addams. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you."

Enid was shocked, to feel Wednesday suddenly hold onto her hand. She hadn't even noticed the girl coming closer to her. Especially she would've never expected the other girl to initiate any kind of contact with someone unless she got something out of it. Which made her realize that Wednesday might care after all. If just in her weird, kooky way, but she cared.

Or maybe she did get something out of it. Maybe she did feel just as bad as Enid did and just maybe this was her way of apologizing. They remained silent, no more words needing to be spoken. All that needed to be said had been said. All that needed to be done had been done. Maybe, just for once, they could enjoy staring into the night sky together, silently.

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