Chapter 5- Strange encounter

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I pressed my back against the door and huffed for air. I slid down the door, onto the door and pulled out my phone. The 3 boys were live right now. I clicked on the live and saw they were heading into the forest. I watched basically in horror and felt my anxiety rise each as they ventured further into the forest. I bit my nails as my eyes were glued to the screen.

Man was I nervous. I didn't want these 3 dorks hurt any zombies. I kept watching to see them try and find things, but they didn't seem to find anything. I sighed a breath of relief, before they come across something. They hid behind a tree, spying. The camera was shaky and blurry but when it got clear I gasped. It was.. Gonner and the ghost girl!? They were talking, not in a friendly way by the look on their faces. I couldn't hear their voices but I could tell Gonner was annoyed.

I think her name was Piroska, she had bright red hair, an axe, and a old dusty dress. I heard one of the guys snap a twig by accident, catching Gonner and Piroska's attention. Gonner quickly ran off, leaving Piroska floating there. I guess she was still talking to him, because she got pretty pissed at those boys. They started to run, messing up the footage, but it ended anyway. 'What a cliff hanger' I shrugged. I didn't know much about Piroska, but she seemed scary, and Nebulosa even scarier.

I felt a lump in my stomach. I'm sure they were fine, though, they were already captured once I doubt the zombies are stupid enough to let it happen again. I realized my mom was home, and got up to say hello. I had walked out into the living room to see Xavier and mom talking. Then I realized the exit I'd made. "Hey Y/N," mom spoke softly "your brother told me something was upsetting you." She told me. I knew she wanted to make sure I was okay, but I already knew I wasnt good at lying, and I couldn't tell her zombies were real. I didn't know who would tell who, and when the government or something would be notified.

I just didn't want anything bad happening to my friends. "Well, for a school assignment, we're supposed to write about someone who died!" I was lying through my teeth but I couldn't tell if they were buying it. It was a good lie though, if you really think about it. Mom smiled "Do you have a paper you can write stuff on, or is it online?" She asked genuinely. I felt myself tense "It's online! I'm sure they'll email you tomorrow." I smiled. Xavier and mom looked at each other, pleased. "I just didn't want you to think it was weird that I ran into the forest. I just wanted to get it done" I said.

Mom paused "You what?" She asked sternly. I was caught off guard. "I mean, nobody was there. I had pepper spray and a knife!" I tried to explain so she wouldn't worry too much. "Y/N you can't just run into the forest like that! There are wolfs, or worse, creeps in the woods." She folded her arms and shook her head. "But I'm fine now." I mumbled, shoving my hands into my pockets. She put a hand on my shoulder "I'm just happy your okay." She smiled, and headed back to her room. Then I glanced at Xavier and hurried to my room.

I decided to work on homework, since I had nothing better to knew, and to get my mind off the situation. (Both situations ell oh ell) I opened my laptop and started on my work. I layed on my stomach and began working. It was uneventful and boring, but I just tried to focus on my work and not do anything else till I was done. Maybe 2 or 3 hours later, it was 10pm. I finally shut my laptop and pushed it off my bed. Thank god my bed isn't very tall. I pushed myself up and onto my back, staring at the ceiling.

I couldn't sleep. After that video I just had to know if they were okay. I had to wait till everyone was asleep, though. Dad didn't get home till 1 in the morning, and Xavier just doesn't sleep. I doubted Xavier would even notice I was gone, and I still had 3 hours till dad got home. I knew mom had gone to bed because she never stays up past 9, she's always too tired. I pushed myself up and took a breathe. I quickly got out of bed and slipped into a black hoodie and shoved a few things inside my pockets.

I grabbed my pepper spray, a pocket knife, and my phone. I just wanted to check on Gonner and Isis. I quickly opened my door and tip-toed down stairs. I used the back door instead of the front, the front was too noisy. I then ran off, into the forest. It was a long run and I definitely got my steps in for that. (☠️) I had to catch my breath before coming in. I knew I couldn't run anymore, which was bad in case I got into trouble. I mean, I should be fine, right?

I finally headed into the woods, still a little dazed. It was so dark at night. I turned the on flashlight from my phone and scouted around. I wasn't having any luck finding people. I almost turned off my flashlight and went home since I was feeling tired. I ran into someone.. Was it Gonner? Isis? I rubbed my eyes and shined the flashlight. It was Piroska! Oh god, I'm fucked. I screamed. I didn't even mean to, but this was like my second time even meeting her, I didn't know what she was capable of!

She turned towards me "Another mortal?" She snarled. I was scared out of my mind. I took out my pepper spray and had tried to get her eyes, but she vanished before it got her. I had tried to run, but I tripped. I barely had the energy to pick my self up. She stood over me and bashed me over the head with a random object. That would chase head trauma I'm sure of it.

Everything went dark, and quiet. Who knows how long it had been till I woke up, but when I did, it was not a sight I wanted to see..

(1093 words!)

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