Chapter 2- Nebulosa

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The next morning, I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked at the time. 7am. I groaned. I sat up and tried to remember what happened last night. Then I got that feeling again. I couldn't tell if it was butterflies or anxiety, but I tried to ignore it.

I stood up, and got dressed. I put on just a shirt and pants. Nothing special. I walked to the upstairs bathroom, and not really to my surprise, he was there. I didn't acknowledge him, and began to brush my teeth. He didn't either. I finish up and start to walk out. "I don't even get a hello? Damn." My brother says.

I sigh loudly, making sure he hears me. "Hello Xavier.." I groan. He snickers, and I walk downstairs. I look around, to see mom working on her computer. "Wheres dad?" I ask. "Work. He got promoted! It's good for the income, but he'll be in the office more than usual. Sorry hun." Mom says gloomily, and then turns back to her computer screen.

I look down. Xavier comes down as well to add himself to a private conversation. He comes over to me, and puts his elbow on my head. Hes taller, and older than me, so he knows how much I hate when he does it. I'm 14, and hes 16. (In this story at least)

"Dads never around. I forgot he even lived here." Xavier says, as I claw at his arm. Mom sighs. "Yeah, I know. I just hope he'll be home for dinner. Anyway, you two head off to school." Me and Xavier say our goodbyes and head for the bus stop. Unfortunately, we go to the same high school, so I see him everywhere! It annoys me so much.

I get on, and sit with my friends. We talked until the bus got to school. Everyone got off, and the bus parked in it's usual reserved spot. I walked to class, bored. Once I got in, I notice the setting had changed? I looked around, and realized I was sitting next to Dixie Grim. 'Just my luck..' I thought to myself. I quickly and awkwardly squeezed next to Dixie.

Dixie smiled. "Hey, I'm Dixie." She says. I nod. "I know.. My names Y/N." I say quietly. "Y/N? Cool!" Dixie compliments. I smile. It was weird. She seemed normal. I never wouldve thought she hung out with zombies like Gonner and Isis. I was shocked zombies even existed! I mean, what else was out there? Ghosts? Monsters? Demons? I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts, I didn't hear the teacher calling my name.

"Y/N? Hello? Still with us?" The teacher called. The class laughed, and I felt so embarrassed. Once class was over, I rushed to the bathroom. I hid in a stall. My second class was gym, and I really didnt feel like working out. I took my phone out, and decided what to do. I wondered if my mom was home, and if I could sneak home?

I sighed. Probably not. I pulled up the video again, the video those boys had posted. Gonner wasn't very visible. The camera was shaky and Gonner looked like he was trying to get away. Reasonable. Whatever happened 'last time' didn't seem to be good. Dixie seemed to be mad. I checked the account, to see if they had posted anything.

They did! They were planning to go back to the forest, and find more zombies. I knew I had to warn them. I could hardly wait till after school. When the final bell rang, a few hours later, I impatiently waited for the bus. When it stopped at our stop I tugged on Xavier's shirt. "What??" He asked, annoyed. I pushed my backpack into his arms.

"Ill give you 20 dollars to bring that home!" I turned around to run. "What? Wait! Where are you going?!" Xavier asked, a little concerned. "Dont ask questions! 20 dollars is 20 dollars." I said, and with that, I had sprinted off to the forest. I stopped to catch my breathe, but then jogged into the forest.

I wasn't watching where I was going, and bumped into something cold. You stepped back, trying to figure out what you had bumped into. Then you gasped as you realized. It was.. A ghost! By the looks of it, she was just as confused as you were. She had long dark red hair that weirdly stood up. She looked the same age as you and the others.

Then she looked down, as if trying to remember something. "Mortal!" She finally spoke. Her voice was high, but smooth "By the order of Nebulosa, humans found my minions must be reported to m'lady!" She said. I just blinked at her. What was she talking about??

"I.. Nebulosa?" I muttered, and took a step back. I was scared but mostly confused. "Uhm.. The kids are coming back. To find more zombies.?" I blurted out. That seemed to get her attention. "More humans? What do they want?" Just as the girl asked, she shook her head and called out. "Thorko!"

I didn't know what to do so I pushed past her, towards the graveyard. I didn't know who Throko or Nebulosa was, but I sure wasn't about to find out.. I quickly pushed open the gate, and hid behind a wall, trying to catch my breath. I felt like I was going to die. "Y/N!" Gonner and Isis both called out as they rushed up to me.

"Ye came back!" Gonner exclaimed excitedly. "Someone's after me! I think." I blurted out. "What? Who?! Were you followed? I knew you werent trustworthy!" Isis accused. I stood up and brushed myself off. "Isis, quiet!" Gonner shushed. Isis gritted her teeth. I did too. "I don't know if I was followed.. I couldn't tell what it was.?"

"What what was? Who was following you?" Isis asked, a little annoyed. "Well.. She was a ghost. She had puffy red hair , and a huge scar going down the center of her face!"

Both Gonner and Isis's face dropped. "Piroska" they said together.
(1039 words!)

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