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After my dalliance with Whiz, I wanted to know everything about sex. I read books. I watched movies and porn. You name it, I did it. Toys were my haven for a while before engaging in actual sex with anyone. But the itch had to be scratched. There was no denying the pull of penis. It called out to me.

Take me.

In your mouth.

In your pussy.

In your ass.

Just. Take. ME.

At the ripe old age of twenty-four I met my match.

Well, my pussy had met her match anyway.

It was a dream come true, a match made in heaven, everything dreams were made of...

You get it.

One extremely hot and sticky summer, I was visiting a friend in Florida and my sexual needs heightened. I made the trip to Florida every year since the age of twenty for two reasons: to see my dear friend and to get new man meat.

Honestly, my friend often offered to visit me back home, but I had always told her that it was much more affordable for me to travel to her and that I needed the break from my mother. Truth be told, I had fucked most of the men (and women) back at home and I did not want to spend a summer 'recycling.' In another state, I could be and screw who I wanted without knowing eyes and judgmental glares.

Not having my mother's nagging voice in my ear was a nice bonus as well.

One Saturday during my trip, my friend suggested that we head to the beach

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One Saturday during my trip, my friend suggested that we head to the beach. She told me that there were college kids and foreigners in town, and we could find some fun. My friend's type of fun was different from mine. While she did not mind bending over at any given time for a nice-looking specimen of a different sex; she was not as insatiable as I was when surrounded by a group.

I can remember a time when we went out to a nightclub, and she got drunk and decided she wanted to go home. I told her that I would be fine alone, and I would be right behind her shortly thereafter. I had met a sexy Latino on the dance floor, and he was giving me all the right cues and I knew that if I left, I would be missing good pipe. So, she left, and I stayed.

Later, I ended up getting fucked in a bathroom stall of the club by that same Latino while his friend jacked off watching us.

Refer to the stupid choices I told you about before. This was the one.

Thankfully, a lesson was learned from that night, and I now always carry condoms of all sorts with me.

You can never be too prepared.

I know what you are wondering. Did my friend know about my many escapades when I was with her?

The question that you should be asking is, Do I care?

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