Chapter 30: The Shadow Gate

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As the spicy assault on his nostrils boiled to a climax, Svenden felt a loud and satisfying sneeze blast from him, and the dizzying sensation was instantly, completely cleared from his head.

Leofric sneezed a moment later, and the two men exchanged a worried look.

A gentle peel of light, bell-like laughter bubbled up from the kallaw, and Svenden looked over to see a small shape emerge from one of the large flowers. It looked like a luminous woman, though she was no taller than the span of Svenden's hand, and she rose into the air on glittering, gossamer wings. Her entire person seemed to be comprised of pale blue light, and there was laughter in her oversized eyes as she giggled.

"Is that a twilly?" Leofric asked, "I've never seen one before!"

"Yeah," Svenden said, "They're pretty common here in Mellesh."

The tiny fairy spoke, and her voice sounded soft and pretty and ethereal, like a quiet whisper that neverthelees filled Svenden's ears with sound. Unfortunately, he couldn't understand it.

He looked at Leofric. "Spirit tongue?" he asked.

"Uh, yes," Leofric said, standing up and dusting himself off, "I believe she says you're silly, and she thinks the noise of a sneeze is quite entertaining."

Svenden blinked. "So, it was just some kind of sneezing powder?" he asked, "We're not going to... die laughing or anything?"

The fairy spoke again, still using that lovely spirit tongue.

"She says it shouldn't have any other effects," Leofric translated.

Svenden looked at the tiny woman. "So, if you can understand me when I speak Wennish," he said, "How about you just speak it too?"

She pouted at him, with her arms folded indignantly over her chest. "My language is prettier, though," she muttered in a mundane mortal tongue.

"Thank you," he replied with a little bow, "My name is Svenden Moon. Are you the... guardian of the kallaw?"

She cocked her head to the side and furrowed her brow in confusion. "No," she said, "I'm Lulie. And who are you?"

"I'm Svenden Moon," he replied, "And this is Leofric Banin. We've come looking for someone."

"Humans aren't supposed to be in Mellesh," the twilly replied, "It's for fairies only!"

"We were invited," Svenden said.

Lulie fluttered up close and squinted as she examined his face. Suddenly, her jaw dropped to its maximum extent, and her eyes glittered with glee. "You were!" she said. She then went zipping about in circles, twirling and dancing and singing, "You kissed a nymph! You kissed a nymph!"

Svenden felt heat rush to his cheeks.

Finally, the twilly zipped back into the air before Svenden's face. "Kisses are so sweet!" she gushed, "At least, I imagine they are. I've never been kissed before. Twillies don't kiss people: just nymphs do the kissing. Tell me: what was it like? Who was she? I bet she was really pretty! Nymphs are always pretty. You're pretty too, though! What about me? Do you think I'm pretty?"

She finally paused for a breath and waited for Svenden to respond.

"Um... uh, yes?" he stammered.

She giggled and twirled about gleefully in the air. "I knew it!" she said, "I'm pretty! Twillies are always pretty! We're just like little bitty nymphs, but with wings and antennae. Am I as pretty as a nymph?"

"Yes, Ms. Lulie," Leofric said, "You're beautiful. But, may we please ask you a question?"

She stopped twirling and looked him in the face, clearly trying hard to be serious but equally clearly distracted by some runaway thoughts.

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