Jeff notices the moment he turns around in the seat and peeks at him. With a movement of the head, he just indicates for Barcode to return to his position, lowering his eyes to the cell phone afterwards. He starts typing and erases a few times until he answers the only thing he really wants.



To Jeff's slight dismay, Barcode no longer replies.

When they arrive at the hotel, they go straight to the elevators and then their room. Barcode leads the way and opens the door with his access card. Both of them leave their shoes by the door as soon as they get inside.

When Barcode goes straight to his own bed, Jeff takes the opportunity to go to the shower first. As soon as he locks himself in the bathroom, Jeff finds himself strangely nervous about another kiss, even though he agreed to it.

As much as he knows Barcode, it makes him uncomfortable to be in the dark about how the boy took the kiss, even more now that Barcode took the initiative to ask for more. And as much as Jeff enjoyed the kiss too, this is not just about anyone. The shower starts cold in an attempt to get rid of the tension and literally cool down. After a few minutes Jeff warms the water and finally takes his shower.

Jeff gets out of the shower after taking a little longer than usual. Since last night he has given up wasting time with the dryer, since the next day the hairdresser will fix whatever they have to. That's why he comes out of the bathroom wearing his bathrobe and drying his hair with a towel.

Barcode is still in the same place as before, and he looks up from his cell phone as Jeff approaches the wardrobe where they organized the things the day they arrived.

"Sorry it took me so long, you can go." Jeff says, as if Barcode hadn't seen him leave the bathroom.

"Isn't P'Jeff forgetting something?"

The question almost startles Jeff, but he quickly pulls himself together with a sigh and a light chuckle as he turns around. And he is not surprised to find Barcode now on his feet.

"I didn't forget, I just..."

Barcode approaches, and although he does so slowly, Jeff can't seem to find words to finish the sentence. He stops so close that Jeff has to look up a little to keep his eyes on Barcode's, but he can't seem to focus much on his eyes when his mouth is so close.

Jeff swallows as he drops the towel to his shoulder and pulls Barcode closer by the back of his neck, like he did the night before. This time he doesn't close his eyes before their lips meet.

Jeff could just kiss him for once, but he takes the opportunity to drag his lips across his as he now realizes he's wanted to do in all the takes they've shot earlier. Jeff feels Barcode exhale a little heavier and he smiles calmly.

The surprise is when the boy takes the initiative once again and slides his tongue across his lips. Jeff gives way quickly and tightens his fingers on the back of his neck. With the other definitely less hesitant, tongues tangle freely and the kiss is pretty wet right from the start.

With his senses all heightened, Jeff shivers when Barcode grabs him by the back of the neck the same way he does with him, but the other hand grips him more firmly around the waist. Jeff ends up taking a step closer by holding Barcode's face with both hands, but the next moment he's being leaned against the wardrobe.

For a moment Jeff forgets that Barcode is the one he's kissing. Not simply ignoring the fact that it's him, but the implications that that could eventually have, and Jeff simply enjoys the opportunity to kiss him as best as he can.

The way Barcode drags his lips across his is so hot, Jeff inevitably thinks. The countless vibrations that run through his body say the same and the need to kiss him harder is met immediately.

Jeff's tongue runs all over Barcode's mouth, hungry, and several times Jeff holds back a low moan that rises in his throat. It's when Barcode's fingers get tangled in his hair that he can't hold back and he only comes to when he hears the sound escape his own throat.

Regaining some control, Jeff parts their lips to breathe. And he does it with his face still pressed against Barcode's, holding him close with both hands, eyes closed, lips touching sometimes.

"Are you sure you've never done this before?" Jeff asks quietly, trying to regain his breathing.

Barcode's laughter hits him straight in the face and Jeff's desire is to start all over again.

"Phi knows I haven't." He answers in a whisper.

Barcode once again drags his lips to his and Jeff manages to part them. This time the older man opens his eyes to see what he's about to do when he strokes Barcode's lower lip with his thumb and drags it down slightly. Then he nibbles and carefully sucks the plump lip, letting out another moan.

"We need to... stop right here." Jeff says, still inside his mouth.

"No." Barcode whimpers, threading his fingers deeper into Jeff's hair. "Isn't P'Jeff into it?"

The weak laugh that escapes Jeff's lips is almost in surrender, but he still maintains a vestige of lucidity that that mouth still hasn't taken.

"That is the problem." Jeff replies, barely able to keep his eyes open anymore.

It's evident that Barcode is as into it as Jeff is. His body is giving all the signs he might not even notice. His face is flushed and hot, his damn lips red from the kiss.

"If it feels good, why do we have to stop?"

The question makes Jeff grunt and hit his head back on the wardrobe. He counts to ten so he doesn't give in and ends up stopping being the rational one in this situation.

"Because soon this won't be a kiss anymore." The older man explains, looking closely at Barcode. Barcode then opens his mouth to answer, but Jeff covers his lips with his before he can. "Go take your shower and we'll talk later, okay?"

Barcode nods and still leans closer for another urgent, wet kiss, as if the last one had never been interrupted. Jeff pushes him away by the chest with some difficulty and they end up having a little laugh about the situation before he finally goes to the bathroom.

As soon as he closes the door, Jeff also closes his eyes in an attempt to compose himself. Even just out of the shower he feels like he sweats a little when he runs his hands over his face and hair, and when it goes down his own body he presses his own cock in search of some relief when he realizes he's half hard. Soon Jeff worries about needing to be dressed for when Barcode comes out of the bathroom, reaching for his sweatpants and tank top that he wears to bed.

In the safety of his own bed—at least he hopes so—Jeff does his best to push thoughts of the kiss away. He's not quite sure what kind of conversation he needs to have with the younger man, but he definitely needs to have some control over the situation.

He takes a while and when he leaves, Jeff is sitting under his own duvet, on his cell phone. Their eyes meet as soon as the door opens and Jeff follows his movements as he goes to his own clothes with only a towel around his waist. Barcode takes what he needs and heads back to the bathroom.

Jeff slides a little on the bed, pressing the cell phone against his abdomen when he thinks about how hot Barcode is. As if the kiss had enabled a new phase between them in which, just like that, overnight, the barrier they had in that relationship that prevented him from looking at him as a man had disappeared.

And Jeff doesn't know what to do with it.

[EN] All of Barcode (and Jeff's) first times in KoreaWhere stories live. Discover now