Chapter 1

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            As I made my way up the tour bus stairs lugging my suitcases behind me, I felt butterflies moving around in my stomach heavily. I had not seen Jasen in eight years. I hadn't even spoken to him since the day he came to see me to tell me goodbye. Now I was being invited on one of his world tours by our mutual friends — Chase and Rylan. They'd still managed to keep in touch with him. But I could never bring my heart to do so. It was my last year of college, and I was using my break to be here.  Honestly, I didn't even know why I was here. I'd let Chase convince me that it would be a good idea. He insisted that Jasen stilled cared about my well-being and wanted to see me.

            If that's the real truth, why didn't he ever pick up the phone to call me all this time . . .?

            But if I was being fair, I hadn't taken the time to call him either. . .

            Once I was on tour bus with my luggage in the corner, I looked around timidly. The butterflies in my stomach were now beginning to feel like dragonflies. I spotted Chase and Rylan sitting at a table by the kitchen, and a slight wave of relief washed over me to see someone I recognized. Chase spotted me first, and his eyes lit up. He stood and rushed over to me, enveloping me in a strong hug, spinning me around. I giggled fondly at him.

            "Ari!" He cried, joyfully. "You actually came!"

            I could understand the slight surprise on his face since I myself was surprised I'd actually gave into his persistence to come along with them this time.

           "You didn't really give me much of a choice," I muttered.

            He chuckled while rubbing the back of his head.

            Rylan, who was just shaking his head amusedly at Chase, came over to give me a hug as well. His embrace was far gentler but just as loving.

            "Hello, Ariana." He pulled away and smiled down at me. "How are you? You're looking well."

            Rylan was giving me a pointed look. I knew what he was silently asking: are you going to be okay seeing Jasen?

            I just smiled back at him. It wasn't a secret between Chase Ryan and me about my feelings for Jasen. I felt like it was only a secret to Jasen about my feelings for him. I didn't see a point in telling someone who didn't feel the same about me the way I felt about them; at that point, they were pointless feelings.

            I was about to say something in response, but then I heard his voice. Instinctively, I turned around to see him. My eyes widened. I hadn't seen him a long while, but Jasen was now a young man and not a boy — a handsome young man. His medium-to-dark brown hair was wavy and at his shoulders, which framed his pretty hazel eyes and face perfectly. He'd always been skinny, but now he had more meat how his body to where he was slightly muscular. He'd never been super tall, but now he was a head taller than me.

            But it wasn't Jason's appearance that shocked me the most. Standing beside him was none other than Celestial Lopez. One of the most famous Disney stars around. Not to mention gorgeous. She had a very lovely baby face that was framed by long dark brown wavy hair that was down to her curvy waist. She was only a little taller than me but with smooth, long-looking legs. I wasn't unattractive by any means. With my long waist length straight natural red hair. Ocean blue eyes. Heavy bust but petite figure. To be honest, I looked like a very attractive doll. But Celestial looked like a model. As a matter of fact, she had done some modeling in her career.

            I could feel my mouth had fallen open and rushed to close it. This sight was not what I was expecting to see when I'd been invited on tour. I quickly shot a look behind me at Chase. He wouldn't make eye contact with me. And neither would Rylan. I felt betrayed somehow.

            Jasen looked shocked to see me. It was almost comical how his already puppy dog eyes got even bigger. His lips parted just for a second and it was like the first day we met all over again. I could feel that electricity straight to my heart that almost left my body breathless to the point I felt faint. Rylan had to pinch me to bring me back to reality when noticed I stopped breathing.

"Ariana," Jasen breathed in disbelief. 

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