See, being a model is tiring. I already scold him about that and told that he should focus on basketball.

But he didn't listen.

Sometimes that boy get on my nerves.

I grab a ball.

I run through the court and dribble the ball.

I have to be more faster.

I gather my energy and focus on my legs to run faster. My dribbles match my speed.

After that i shoot and its in.

The ball bounces to near the bench.

When i walk to retrieve the ball.

My eyes caught a sight of a bag.

Whose bag is this? Everyone already left.

Then i glance to the locker room. Right when the two boys comes out holding their own bags.

Its not their bags...

The two boys bowed to me then left in hurry.

Wait, i didn't see Masamune leave the gym?

How do i know? I don't know...its just that my gaze starts to followed her.

I always searched for her figure without realizing it.

Ugh what am i thinking?

I take the bag and put it on the bench.

Sorry, but i have to know whose bag is this so i could return it.

I open the bag and found pastel coloured books and a doll keychain. Only one person owns things like this in the gym.


Did she forgot her bag?

Then a pencil case catches my eye.

Why is it dirty?

I rummage the pencil case and look at how the ruler and the pencil were broken.

What happen?

I put it back in and zip the bag. I have to give this back to her.

I runs to the locker room and get changed.



I don't know how long i've been here. Im hungry.

Why i didn't bring my phone?

Stupid me.

Arashi and father must be worried.

Suddenly a shivers run through my spine.

Why suddenly i don't feel good?

Is it a ghost?

I start to imagining things. Like now i could see a person shadow on the corner of the room.

I-im scared.....

But when i look closely its the shadow of a pole and ball on the shelf.

I sighed.

But my heart its still beating fast.

Will someone even found me?

I decided to walk around.

Because the room is dark, i stumble on something.

I screamed in surprised and lost balance. My elbow hit the pole and i fall to the mattress. The pole falls to the floor making loud noises.

The tears flooded my eyes again.

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