"Don't come in my face assuming shit. I don't talk to that girl and I'll be damned to talk to her again after what she did. I haven't spoken to her since before my junior year of high school. You had a problem with me since you met me. You don't know shit about me." Alex said with anger. I saw him get up going to the room.

"Destiny what is your problem? You are the only person who met him that has a problem. You just starting shit. I'm getting sick of it." I said. She pulled out her phone showing a picture on Instagram of a girl with Alex.

With a caption saying 'Happy Birthday, wishing many more

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With a caption saying 'Happy Birthday, wishing many more.' I grabbed her phone, checking the girl's followers and following. Alex is not following her nor is she following him, he didn't even like the post. I'm assuming she's blocked. I'm not going to assume the worse I want to talk to him first. I gave Destiny her phone back.

"Just because she posted doesn't mean Alex had something to do with it or he knew." I said to her as I walked to my room. I saw Alex on the floor with his back against the bed. I sat down next to him. We sat in silence then he spoke.

"Her name is Kae. I don't have relations with her. I don't speak to her. She's blocked on everything we had each other on. I didn't know about any posts. I met her during my freshman year. We broke up the summer before my junior year because she was pregnant. Let me explain. She told me she was pregnant, I was going to man up and do what I needed to do. But the baby died. She had a miscarriage. I comforted her. I was there for her. To just find out the baby was one of my teammates. She cheated on me with him multiple times. She was going to have me take care of that baby and it wasn't even mines. So we broke up. I was heartbroken because I put a lot into our relationship. And yet I was still hurt. I haven't been in a relationship since I met you. I'm afraid that I wouldn't be enough for you. I blame myself for her cheating because I thought I wasn't doing enough. I questioned why she had to lie. Why waste my time or get my hopes up, making me think the baby was mines? " He explained. I saw tears forming in his eyes, I saw them fall. I wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry she treated you like that. But that's over. You're with me and I won't hurt you. I promise. What happened wasn't your fault, don't blame yourself for her cheating. Those were her decisions. She made those choices. You were loyal to her. And you did everything you could for her. But what wasn't good enough for her is good enough for me. You're enough for me. Don't ever think that you are not. She did post you on your birthday. I'm assuming you didn't see it." I said as he nodded. He pulled out his phone going to his blocked list of phone calls she was the only number blocked. Then he went to Instagram scrolling through his block list. He showed me she was blocked there too. And on Twitter.

"You didn't have to show me. I trust you. I appreciate you for telling me what happened and being open with me. I appreciate you showing me for my reassurance." I told him.

"Thank you for listening to me, and hearing me out instead of thinking I was doing something I wasn't." He said as he looked at me. After that we stayed in the room for a while, so he could calm down then my dad walked in.

"How are you doing, Alex? You straight?" He asked.

"I'm straight, no thanks to your non-daughter." He said, my dad, laughed a little.

"I want to apologize to you both about what she did. That was wrong. I don't know your situation Alex but she had no right to assume or state something without facts." He said. Alex sat there explaining to my dad everything he told me about his ex.

"Damn man, that's a lot. I'm happy you were able to move on from that. Even with that situation, you're still a good kid. You're strong. You probably had a lot of emotions and you didn't hurt her back you left." My dad said to him.

"Hurting her back wasn't going to do anything. So leaving and moving on was the option. And it was a good one." Alex responded as he smiled at me. I kissed his cheek.

"Do you wanna tell Dad the news?" I asked Alex as my dad looked confused.

"What news?" He asked.

"My coach entered me in the draft. There's a possibility I might be the second pick." Alex told him. My dad and him did their handshake as he congratulated him.

"What team is the second pick?" He asked.

"The Rockets." Alex responded.

"That'll be fire to play in your hometown." He said as Alex agreed. Then he looked at me.

"It's your turn ma." Alex said as my dad looked at me.

"I decided to drop out of college to design clothes for celebrities full-time. I understand if you're mad that I'm dropping out. But I do enjoy making clothes for people. I love that people like my outfits enough to want to wear them." I said as he smiled.

"I'm proud of you, do what makes you happy baby girl." He said as he got up to hug me and he kissed my forehead.

"So you moving to Houston with him if he gets picked?" He asked as I nodded.

"I'm tired of being far. Wherever you get picked to go I'm moving there. I wanna go to your games and I wanna go to whatever fashion show you might or whatever you go have going on." He said to me and Alex. After our conversation with my dad, the gang pulled up. We were upstairs in the game room chilling. Alex and Kevin were playing the game on the couch. Jalaiyah was next to Kevin and I was on Alex's lap. Mya and Dillion were cuddled up on the beanbag.

"Nigga you suck, how do you play on a college team as a starter and you suck in 2K?" Alex asked Kevin.

"It's not me Red, it's the controller." Kevin replied as we laughed at him.

"Nah nigga it's you. You suck." Alex said.

"Wanna fight it out?" Kevin asked.

"Bet, get up baby." He said. I got up and sat on the couch watching them. Me and Jalaiyah were betting on them with money.

"I bet 50 bucks Kevin wins." Jalaiyah said.

"I bet 50 bucks Alex wins." I replied as I saw Alex pick up Kevin and body slam him on the floor. Kevin got up to fight back but Alex put him in a headlock. I saw Jalaiyah give me 50 bucks as she rolled her eyes. Then we both laughed.

"Give up nigga, I got yo ass." Alex said laughing.

"Okay okay, I tap out. Nigga you're strong for no reason." Kevin said.

"No, you're just a weak bitch." Alex responded as he came to sit back down, he pulled me back on his lap, giving me a look. I just nodded my head.

"Coach entered me in the draft. I have to go to Barclays Center on June 22. I might be the second pick. Which happens to be the Rockets. And if I get picked me and Amora are moving to Houston. She's dropping out of college to do fashion full time." He said as everyone looked at us. Kevin was the first one to speak.

"I'm coming with you, coach entered me too. I'm supposed to be pick number 17 for the Houston Rockets." He said as he dapped up Alex.

"That's what I'm talking about." Alex said as I looked at Jalaiyah.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I'm going to the University of Houston. Because of him." She said pointing to Kevin. We both smiled. I look at Mya and Dillion.

"I'm happy for y'all. I was moving back to Houston because of family issues. I'll be going to UOH as well." Dillion said. As he, Alex, and Kevin did their handshake. Then Mya spoke.

"You already know where I'm going."

"Facts. I'm glad to know the gang ain't separating." Alex said.

"Never man, you know we are, we have been rocking since we were kids. We ain't separating." Kevin said as Dillion nodded. I love their relationship.

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