༒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽𝟾༒

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When Akashi's 'watch week' was over, it was Kakuchos turn now. He was conscious. Wary. And while it did bother you,  you really couldn't do anything else than accept it whatever was happening as you gave up on fighting and having it your way. You were a pet now. Nothing more, nothing less. 

And while you slowly became accustomed with it. Kakucho was watching you. His hands clammy as he itched to touch you and cradle you. Hold you in his arms and tell you, you'll be fine but he couldn't. He wasn't allowed. Having to keep a distance in order of Mikey. And keeping a distance in respect of you. No matter how little respect it seemed. He did try to provide you with the necessities daily. Akashi occasionally coming by to keep an eye until he later disappeared again for an order or meeting. Akashi was getting busier and busier while Kakucho was left to watch you alone at the end. 

Not that he was complaining. He rather have you in his office or room than scattering around the HQ and in the hands of someone else. Though knowing that they were supposed to do weekly switch ups - as soon as the week would be over, he would have to give you away to someone else. Another Bonten member taking the part of the weekly babysitter. 

Annoyingly so. 

There wasn't much conversation with you. Well more like, you didn't try to converse and after a while he also stopped trying. There was no use when all you were doing is just sitting around and throwing glances towards the watch in his office. And no matter how you would look at it - as time didn't seem to pass - it seemed like you were waiting for something as you kept repeatedly watch the hours go. 

Or maybe you were just waiting until night time arrives to go to bed with the prayers of not waking up anymore. 

Simple as that. 

And in Kakuchos fear... desperate fear clawing on his skin. Voices echoing in his mind with words so cruel as he watched another person he held close to his heart, disappear right in front of him.. he hid all the guns and weapons. Made them inaccessible to you. No entry into the kitchen. Anything sharp and potential dangerous and harmful, hidden or only used under supervision. 

It was excessive.. 

He knew that. 

But how could he not be so cautious when Mikey gave the order to watch you. How could he not be so cautious when you were slipping away from his fingers. Barely able to hold onto you as he watched your eyes get lifeless day by day. The sparkle in your eyes vanishing with each second that passed. Leaving a shell of a woman behind he once knew. 

And he felt a piece of himself dying when you were sitting on the couch. Your gaze focused straight ahead towards the wall in his bedroom as he kneeled in front of you. With your back sitting straight and your hands clasped neatly in your lap. His hands having an almost deathly grip around your wrist, begging you in silence to look at him. Give him just a simple glance. A huff. A sigh.. something. "Please.. I'm begging you.. come back.. come back to me.." Kakuchos voice so broken, it greatly surprised himself. 

Though all you did was look ahead. Not even sparing him a single glance as you felt the warmth and his grip around your wrists disappear. Heard his footsteps retreat when the door closed behind him. 

And while he knew he was begging for too much from you - knew that he had no right what so ever. He was getting upset. Mad. Mad at himself, Mad at you, but especially mad at Mikey and the dead man Kazuya. Though with a shake of his head, he almost scoffed at himself. 

don' pretend like you weren't the cause of her misery too...

And he was. He was but he didn't want to accept that. He wasn't ready for the consequences. Wasn't ready to face reality. A reality where you were nothing but a puppet for Bonten. Nothing more than a shell of someone he..-

"Kakucho?" He turned around to face Haruka. The man who was the closest to (y/n) and probably the one who was hurting the most. At least that was something that Kakucho tried to believe. "What is it?", "How is she? You know.. (y/n)?"

Haruka watched Kakucho, the man who was the third in command here, fidgeting with his hands his expression changing to a rather mixed one. "Nevermind." Haruka sighed and shook his head. "Just tell her I said hi." With that Haruka left, leaving Kakucho rather confused back as to why Haruka was acting so.. indifferent and cold.. 

What an unpleasant feeling... 

It was sitting in his chest, a heaviness and uncertainness. Harukas reaction not sitting well with Kakucho. The man didn't had time to think about it though. He had to take care of Bonten business and.. well.. of you. 

There was no room to think off Haruka and his weird behavior. Nor was there any room to think about how Kakucho, himself, should approach the current situation with you and the situation with Bonten in general. A tight spot for an executive who was below Sanzu and bound to the cruelty of a man like Mikey. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and went to the kitchen to get himself a coffee. Dreading the future. Dreading whatever will happen to you from now on. Surely Mikey wouldn't let them play babysitter forever. Kakucho was sure that Mikey had something up his sleeve. Plans to use you in one way or another. He couldn't confirm it nor deny it but that's what made him so anxious at the same time. Kakucho, in all honesty, was always rather anxious about the future. Only when he was next to Izana, in his younger years, he was rather confident. At this point he was sure that the confidence only came from the certainty Izana held in his vision and speech. Izana used to hold the confidence of Kakucho and himself but with Mikey.. it was different. While before he got to know you, he was confident in his being. There wasn't a moment where he had to think about future things. Not about the upcoming state of their organization nor their own beings. They were Bonten. A self established crime syndicate that was 'controlled' by Mikey and had Akashi, Sanzu and him as the people to keep the group in tact and organized. 

Now it was different. 

Kakucho was merely a person now who was desperate to change for a woman that he may or may not have fallen in love with. A women that kept him on the edge of the seat as she was everything he couldn't even put into words. Kakucho hissed, when he almost burned his fingers from the coffee he had just made. Shaking his head as he rubbed his temple. He was tired. Much visible so and he didn't know long he could keep all of that up. Though in this moment he had a stupid idea that may work - at least he was hoping for it. 

His last attempt to get some sparkle back into your eyes. The last attempt to get a reaction out of you and perhaps the last attempt to mend things between you and him. 

It was when he came back to his room, a tray in his hand with a cheesecake and a chocolate milkshake in his hand. Playing them neatly in front of you and observing your reaction as you looked down at the served food. His heart falling slowly to shreds when he watched your indifferent reaction. You.. who silently grabbed the fork and started to eat the cheesecake. A thing that once brought you so much joy when you ate it weekly with your boss Nami. Your heart skipping a beat at the thought of the woman who took you in and gave you a chance for a job. 

Shortly wondering.. how she was doing.

Was she pregnant now? 

Recalling the way she used to dream of having her own child.. 

Kakucho saw a flash of sadness passing through your eyes and when he reached out his hand - reaching out to touch you - the sudden shove of the cheesecake startled him. The milkshake dropping to the floor, spilling everywhere as the cake was scattered across the floor. 

"I don't like cheesecake.. it's disgusting.." Was all you mumbled when you stood up and left the room towards your own. Settling in your bed before you covered yourself in your blanket. Trying to blend out the outside world and hoping that your thoughts would stop consuming you.

Kakucho knew, it was over...

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