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A/N: Warning We don't know anything about nut allergies so don't take us to court with this chapter.

Anakin had decided to bake something for Ahsoka to make it up for her. He chose to bake brownies since that is the only thing he can make without burning the whole kitchen down.

It's a recipe he had learned from Obi-wan. Obi-wan loves to bake, he had tried to teach Anakin to bake but he had refused to learn anything other than brownies. So that's what he is doing.

Ahsoka did not think that Anakin was someone who bakes but apparently, she was wrong.

It had been a couple of days since he had apologized to her. It's going better. He is trying to get to know her, or at least that's what she thinks. And as long he is trying she is happy.

Herman runs and jumps around in her bed which snaps her out of her thoughts.

"Hello with you to Herman," she says grinning and petting him. The little fluff ball always jumps around in her bed in the mornings.

He looks up at her when she hears Anakin yell " Snips!"

"Yeah!" she yells back and gets out of bed. She walks out into the kitchen. She still has her sweatpants and a big t-shirt on but she is too tired to go change to something else. And apparently, Anakin had the same idea because he wears something very similar to her.

"I made brownies," Anakin says.

"Why?" she asks

"You don't like brownies," Anakin asks, looking down at them.

Great, now I sound ungrateful. She thinks." what no, no" she starts " I do like them I–I am just confused, that's all" Stop rambling. I just make it worse urgh.

"Oh okay, um these are for you," he says, giving her a plate full of brownies.

"Thanks" Ahsoka takes the plate and sits down at the kitchen island.

They just look at each other for a moment. Why can't we talk to each other? It's not that hard, just open your damn mouth and talk.

They both take a bite of a brownie. Oh my, this is sooooo good. She didn't know what to expect but she didn't expect it to be good. Who would have known Anakin can bake?

"You are really good at baking," Ahsoka says.

"I can only make brownies," Anakin says.

"It's more than I can," She says taking another bite "which is ironic when you think about it"


"My dad owns a bake–" Ahsoka starts but stops as she tries to breathe but can't

"What's wrong?" Anakin asks, looking worried.

"Can– can't... breathe"


Her throat had swollen up. She must have gotten an allergic reaction to something but the only thing she is allergic to is nuts. And she hasn't eaten nuts. The only things she had eaten were brownies and brownies are not nuts... wait a minute. She looked over at the brownies and there it was a nut in the brownie.

Anakin looked like he had seen a ghost. It was quite funny if it weren't because she was dying.

"He-help" Ahsoka begged him, she still can't breathe and her throat is really swollen.

"Okay... okay I will-will take you to the healers," he says, grabbing her arm and rushing out the door.

"What happened?" Obi-wan asks as he walks into the clinic's waiting room.

"I don't know," Anakin answered.

He had rushed her to the clinic, and when they got there the healers had taken her to a separate room to fix her.

"She just stopped breathing. I-I have no idea what happened" Anakin says, holding his head in his hands.

The doors to the room they took Ahsoka in opened up and one of the healers walked out with papers in hand." She will be fine. She got an allergic reaction. Nothing serious." says the healers

"Nothing serious! She almost died" Anakin snapped.

"Thank you, Henny," Obi-wan says to the healer and placed a hand on Anakin's shoulder to calm him down."What is she allergic to"

"Nuts," The healer answers.

"Nuts," Anakin mutters to himself. Nust, where did she eat- oh no, oh no. I gave her nuts, I poisoned her." I poisoned her"

"You what?" Obi-wan asked.

"I gave her brownies with nuts," Anakin says, shaking his head.

"Why would you ever do that"

The healers backed out the door to another room

"I didn't know she was allergic"

"Anakin for god sake," Obi-wan says, shaking his head." you still haven't read the letter"

"What letter?"Anakin asks

Obi-wan sighs "The letter you got contains all the information you need to know about her"


Obi-wan runs a hand down his face when he says "Maybe you should apologize to her."

"Yeah," Anakin says as he walks into the room Ahsoka is in.

"Hey," Ahsoka says.

"I am so sorry" Anakin apologies

"It's fine"

"No, it's not" He takes a big breath before continuing" It's my fault that you almost died"

"It's fine, really"

"What can I do to make it up to you? ''Anakin asks and waits patiently for her to answer.

"hmm, you could take me out to get a dragon"

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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