Broken Tablet

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Obi-wan was minding his own business getting ready for bed. The clock on the wall showed that it was just past midnight when 3 knocks could be heard on his door.

He walks over to the door and opens it only to see Anakin.

They locked eyes for 5 seconds before Obi-wan said "Did you run out of food?"

"No," said Anakin offended before Obi-wan answered "Oh wait you can't run out when you never had any"

Obi-wan sighs and runs a hand down his face. He was really tired and not in the mood for Anakin's childish behavior even as a 24-year-old man outside, is he a teenager inside.

"What do you want," Obi-wan says, staring straight into Anakin's blue eyes.

"Uhh my magic tablet is broken," Anakin said with the purest childish eyes he could muster up.

Obi-wan looks at him before shutting the door in his face and going to sleep.

As Obi-wan woke up he heard a few weird sounds coming from the living room of his apartment. As he walks into the living room he sees Anakin sleeping on his couch remote in hand as the magic tablet is on some random channel.


"ANAKIN!" he shouts angrily before grabbing the legs of the sleepy Anakin and throwing him out of the apartment "Stay away from my quarters and find somebody to fix your tablet or replace it," Obi-wan says, shutting the door and locking it before going back to do his morning routines.

Obi-wan walks into one of the training rooms. It was soon dinner and he hadn't seen Anakin since this morning.

He hoped he hadn't made Anakin too sad as he is quite emotional sometimes and he did have an outburst this morning.

He looked into the room but only saw Ahsoka training, the sound of her sword clashing with the training dummies. It seems that she hadn't seen him so he decides to look a little and see what his grand apprentice can do.

She definitely was not the best but she did know a thing or two about sword fighting. Obi-wan was sure she would be excellent at fighting when Anakin was done training her, and maybe even he could show her a thing or two.

He claps his hands and she flinches and she quickly points her sword toward him in a fighting position. She looks at him and blinks 2 times before dropping the sword and bowing down quickly "Oh my I'm so sorry knight Kenobi" she says

"It's quite alright my dear '' he says with a calming smile lingering on his face. "Have you seen Anakin?"

"Not since yesterday, he left at midnight and never came back," she says looking down and she seems a little disappointed. Obi-wan strokes his beard and asks "Would you perhaps join me for dinner at the diner this fine afternoon"

She looked up in surprise and gave him a large smile "I would love to" she said.

"So he almost got eaten by his dragon?" Ahsoka asked, not believing her ears. How could such a great warrior almost get eaten by his own dragon, she thought.

Obi-wan had been talking about all sorts of stories from his own apprenticeship and Anakin's. Obi-wan found it amusing how easily she laughed at the stories he told. She was good company really. She reminds Obi-wan a lot of Anakin in his apprenticeship, he is sure they would become great friends just like him and Anakin.

"Oh yes, he was quite reckless from time to time," Obi-wan chuckled.

Ahsoka smiled a wide smile. She looked off into the distance "Hi mentor" she said and waved him over.

Obi-wan turned around and smiled at him. Anakin had a weird look on his face as he started to walk over to them but he did not sit down, he just stood and crossed his arms. He stood like that for several moments and finally said "I didn't know you two had become so close" he frowned his eyebrows together.

"He told a lot of stories about you," she said, smiling at him.

"Did he now?" Anakin said with an angry expression on his face. Obi-wan frowned. What the hell is he so mad about, he thought. " I will leave you two to it then" he turned around and stomped away.

Obi-wan looked back at Ahsoka; she looked just as uncomfortable as he did if not more.

"He's avoiding me isn't he?" She asked him, looking down and playing with her food.

"What?" Obi-wan asks her "What would make you say that?"

"Well he seemed annoyed with me yesterday, all day and the only time he talked to me was to yell at me and tell me where my room was," Ahsoka said while frowning and looking down

"Hmm, is your magic tablet broken?" Obi-wan asked.

"What? No, why?" Ahsoka asked, really confused.

"Don't worry my dear, I will talk to him." He said putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Anakin!" Obi-wan shouted after the taller guy who stopped at the instance that he heard the voice of his old mentor.

"What," Anakin asked.

"Why are you ignoring your apprentice?" Obi-wan asked, looking straight into his eyes with a calm yet strict expression.

"I am not"

"You are and I would like to know why"

"I... it just... I don't know, okay!" Anakin said, not meeting Obi-wan's eyes.

Obi-wan remembers the day he got assigned an apprentice. He wasn't exactly happy about it, but now he couldn't imagine a life without Anakin.

" I know how it feels like to get a lot of responsibility pushed on your shoulder and it's not easy but I do believe you will make an amazing mentor." Obi-wan said and Anakin finally looked up at him "and she is great company, you two will become great friends" he added and smiled at Anakin.

"Thank you," Anakin said, feeling ashamed of his actions against his apprentice.

"You're welcome and now please do talk to her"

"I will" and with that Anakin began running back to his shared quarters.

But as he was running he came to a stop and thought out loud "Just how do I say sorry?"


we got a lot of inspiration from another fanfic in this chapter. We don't remember from who

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