Chapter 1

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The day the Ark fell from the sky marked a day of change. A day that marked the beginning of one journey, the journey that would be filled with war, blood, gore, pain, and survival. And yet there would be hope. Hope for what would be the question. But hope nonetheless.

But while clueless teenagers, screamed and wreaked havoc amongst themselves, their presence had caused many bloodthirsty people to become angry at their presence. The Trikru being the most danger to them since they landed in their territory. The greatest danger to the teenagers. For now.

And while the 12 Clans were weary, and eager to assess the new invaders now known as Skaikru, a different clan had different but similar thoughts. Their Khaleesi, or otherwise known as Commander or Heda, felt the need to be cautious with the Skaikru. Cautious enough to send one of her husbands to check it himself. She felt it before it fell, the thing that fell from the sky was going to be dangerous. And whether it needed to be crushed or left alone, it was an important task that she needed to have personally handled. But of course, her husbands would never allow her to go through enemy territory, especially alone. So to place importance to this mission, as well as to provide them an idea of the gravity of said mission, she sent her third husband, Arrokko.

Arrokko, the Third Great Khal, otherwise known as the Eye of The Sky due to his ability to infiltrate anywhere unseen, yet see everything under the sky. He was one of the greatest hunters in Dothraki history, eyes so sharp he saw you from miles away, his senses heightened due to the specially brutal training his deranged father had him undergo as a child. In short, Arrokko was the best person to have for this mission.

And so tonight was a night of rituals and feasting.

As the Khaleesi of the Dothraki, and since her third husband was to go on an important mission, she had to perform a ritual, to grant him protection and power before he sets off. She spent the day in her tent, bathing and chanting prayers under her breathe as the women bathed her. Her other two husbands, Assollo and Ogatto, had gone out to hunt a great lion today, to gift Arrokko. Everyone had things to do before nightfall. Bloodriders had gone out to hunt for the rest of the people. Women were laying out the pillows and blankets over the open plains, laying it out so it was in a large circle with the fire and embers burning heatedly by the designated resting area.

Everyone was busy in preparation for not only the mission of the Third Great Khal, but also for the impending chaos that was bound to happen with the new threat that fell from the sky. And everyone was humming in excitement, but none could beat the excitement their Great Khaleesi felt. If they were bloodthirsty savages, then she was the most bloodthirsty savage there was.

Time was almost neigh, the sun was to kiss the ground as the full moon rose up to illuminate the dark night. And moon rose high above their heads, everyone hummed a beat in unison as the Third Great Khal stood naked as the day he was born into the world, he stood at the center of the circle of fire. He stood imposingly, unashamed of his naked form. He grew up knowing the rituals, he understood the importance of the rituals, and he now had the honor to be part of the rituals. Assollo and Ogatto had arrived with the lion, a two headed mutation was evident on its form, the mutated lion was under Ogatto's grasp. He and Assollo had held the lion in preparation, working in sync as they skillfully skinned and drained the beast of its blood. After doing so, they had laid it out on a stone slab, both men stood on the side. Assollo had a bowl of blood in his hand, while Ogatto had a knife offered in his palm. Everything was ready.

And right on cue, The Great Khaleesi, Annithi Kom Hosakru, Annithi of the Dothraki, came out of the tent, thin robe over her bronze skin. She had her hair in a long, loose braid, and her face unmarked of any of her usual kohl or pigmentations, she had a serious look about her face as the ladies with painted faces behind her left her side to watch just outside of the circle fire.

 She had her hair in a long, loose braid, and her face unmarked of any of her usual kohl or pigmentations, she had a serious look about her face as the ladies with painted faces behind her left her side to watch just outside of the circle fire

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She walked forward, the people holding each other's hands or shoulders, all had bowed their heads in respect as she stepped towards her Third Husband, Arrokko. She looked into his eyes and she saw his unwavering faith and trust in her and their ritual. Their culture. She saw him bow his head in respect to her, his shoulders slumping over slightly as if to make himself smaller, showing himself bare, exposed, and submissive to her will.

It gave her a shiver of sadistic satisfaction. To see the revered and arrogant hunter and Great Khal submit to her.

And so with her left hand she beckoned for the blood, and dipping her fingers into it, she marked runes and lines onto Arrokko's face, down to his neck, and down to his chest and to the rest of his body, until she was satisfied. After she finished with him, she marked her face as well, then beckoned with her right hand, the blade. The knife gleamed in the night, the fire's reflection burned brightly on the blade. She reached for his chest, a chest of pure muscle, and dragged the knife over some of the runes in his body, the runes now bleeding steadily, yet not a grimace escaped his lips. She looked into his eyes again, and she felt his brutal passion burn through her. And after she and the women chanted their prayers and curses, she pushed him down onto his back, the flames barely covering anything as her robed slid over her shoulder to reveal a horrid scar, as she mounted over his form, and rode him to tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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