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In a large tent, on a large bed, laid 4 bodies in tangled limbs. Three men had one woman in a protective embrace, limbs locked loosely together as their naked bodies were only covered by 2 animals skins. The furs of a grizzly bear and lion. Tonight was like any other night of resting after a day of hunting, the night of feasting, the late night of sex and passion, and then their exhausted bodies resting in their abode. Or so they thought. Deep in the dark morning, a gasp left the woman's lips, she sat up as if she had fallen in her dream. She tilted her head to the sky, the darkness in the tent her only vision. She felt the bodies beside her sit up as well, startled at her action.

"Annithi, what is it?" Her first husband Assollo asked as Ogatto stood up to grab his sword, naked.

Arrokko had wore a robe over his naked form, his spear in hand. He lit the candlestick in their tent before sitting on the bed to help calm the panting Annithi.

"Something is coming." Her words made them still, and just as the words left her lips, they felt the earth vibrate.

She left the bed, barely putting on her robe as she exited the tent, her husbands following close behind her. Her eyes stared at the distance, to the raging fire far away. She felt alarms go off in her head. A new threat.

She felt a hand on her arm, "Annithi, what happened, what was that?" It was Assollo.

She took a deep breathe before answering, steeling her eyes, "a new threat."

The three Great Khals looked at each other with grim expressions. Grim but excited. They had tamed the Great Plains, they had crushed the 12 clans, and they had struck fear into the hearts of the Mountain Men. The thought of a new threat made their bloods churn in excitement and bloodlust. They looked towards their Khaleesi, their Heda, and they felt shivers run down their back when they saw the maniacal grin on her face, her eyes burning with death, and her heart beating in excitement. She was the true savage amongst them.

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