WR600 Android

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This is the android in question:

This is also a little Eden Club story

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This is also a little Eden Club story. Think of him as an Eden Club Android.
Contains sexual content

"So, you're telling me that I either go to this stupid sex club to fulfill your fantasies, or I don't go, and I do what exactly?" I asked, rolling my eyes as if she could see me through the phone.

Don't get me wrong, I love my friends, but their antics the older they get seem to get seriously worse and almost downright illegal in some cases. I paced around my apartment while she babbled on and on about how beneficial this could be for my "pathetic sex life".

"Fine! Jesus, I'll go. Damn, can't believe I'm getting roped into more garbage by you people. Are you really my friends or some good and evil angels sitting on my shoulders?"

"Just get a nice outfit. And not the stupid sweatpants you wear to work when you don't need to scrub in. Dress nice. Like, out for dinner nice."

She hung up, and I just stood in the middle of my house, watching as it sleeted outside, the roads getting colder and colder, and the icy rooftops growing longer and longer icicles.

However, I sighed and rifled through my closet, trying to find a good outfit for tonight. I wish I had the capacity to just be steadfast in my decision. I don't want to do this. But there was another little voice inside of me that was telling me to do it; to just go and unwind, maybe find a nice little room, one or two android companions, and just enjoy the night for as long as I want.

I had a dress, but it was just too cold outside to risk frostbite or hypothermia for my friends' sick fantasies. So, I found the next best thing: a nice pair of flowy dress pants and a long sleeved, tight shirt I wear under my scrub shirts during the fall and winter months. Not only did the whole outfit fit together seamlessly, but it also made me look professional, or sexy, in my friend's term. I grabbed a coat off the rack and texted them, letting them know I was taking a cab and would be there in a few minutes.


"You have arrived at your destination. Thank you for using Detroit Taxi Service"

That voice always gave me a chill. I loved the androids, but these driverless cabs, even though they were completely foolproof, still made me nervous. Plus, that hypervocalized voice with the over-excitement was not doing it for me today.

"Look at that, she actually showed up!"

I rolled my eyes and pulled my ID out of my purse. When we all walked up to the bouncer, everyone else looked like they were plotting something, meanwhile I just wanted to get in and get out. I highly doubted I'd find anyone even remotely my type in here anyways.

"You go on ahead and find your man. We'll be here browsing."

I stood still where I was.

"Oh, hell no. Not doing this again. Either you do the same thing you forced me out of my house for, or I'm calling the fucking cab and going home. I'm not getting roped into another one of your lame tricks and pranks. You're almost 30. Act like it."

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