★: Sorrow.

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(also quick announcement, dina goes by ronnie/ronette now!! but I will NOT be changing my former chapters 😋 also jae go by odette/odie wooaaawwww)

Rikki headed back to her hotel room, practically slamming the door behind her.

"You look like hell. What happened?" -Odie

"Like...nothing." -Rikki

She flopped down on a chair next to where Jayde was sitting, pulling her phone from where it was plugged.

"..Was it Jeff related?" -Ronnie

"Errmm..it doesn't MATTER." -Rikki

"Don't yell at us.." -Jayde

"Okay, i need all three of you to be HONEST..and truthful." -Rikki

The three girls listened to Rikki, some a bit more interested than others..Rikki took a deep breath before speaking.

"Did you guys know ANYTHING about Jeff cheating on me?" -Rikki

"One time Helen told me that he came home with lipstick marks on his collar, face and neck..I just assumed it was from you." -Odie

"It couldn't have been..Rikki doesn't wear lipstick very often. It's only lipgloss." -Jayde

"Shut up, cracker." -Odie

"Nina told me something similar actually..his hair was messed up too." -Ronnie

"Oh, and the marks were red. I thought THAT was suspicious because Rikki's only worn red lipgloss for special occasions, like a wedding or something." -Odie

Rikki covered her face and sighed, but even despite this, he thanked her friends for being honest.

The rest of the night, everyone had brushed everything off.
This situation had no matter to Rikki's friends, they were practically overjoyed. They had been PRAYING on the downfall of Jeffikki practically since they got together. Like, your best friend dating a famously toxic serial killer isn't something you should be all for. 

Rikki carefully waited for her friends to fall alseep..once they did, she got up as quick as possible and left her hotel room.

He left the hotel later, the time was very late, around 2 am maybe.
It was cold, it may have been summer..but it was cold...why did it feel so cold? As if..some sort of ghost was here..or..just somebody who Rikki hated.

Rikki just continued walking, walking always helped her, but not this time. She started mindlessly walking as her mind wandered..

"What if..this was his plan all along?" She whispered to herself.
What if Jeff's plan..was just to lead on Rikki? And break her heart afterwards. With no shame, she'll admit that he dated him just to not get killed at first..Truth be told, Rikki was practically horrified of Jeff.
She fell in love quicker than expected..a "He fell first, she fell harder." Situation.

Rikki slowly lost her balance while walking, as if he was drugged or something. She slowly sat down on a nearby bench.

In shock, Rikki quickly got up and pulled a box cutter on the person before realizing who it was.

"Chill, I dont wanna hurt you."

"Nina? What are you doing out here anyways? You scared the shit out of me!"

Rikki stared down Nina, holding her heart to calm herself down.

"I'm just wondering what's going on with you. I heard you go out of your room and I was like, insanely bored so I followed you!"

"THAT'S why it felt so cold, huh?"

"Guess so! So..what's up man?"

Nina sat down on the bench that Rikki sat at before, and Rikki sat down as well.

"Nina, do you think that..Jeff actually liked me?" Rikki questioned, her expression slowly turning sullen.

"Liked you? He LOVED you! You think that's not true? Once he stopped GATEKEEPING you, he would talk about you constantly!"

"..I think...I think that's the problem."


"I don't even know what I'm saying anymore."

Without even realizing, tears slowly started falling out of Rikki's eyes. She covered her face in embarrassment. It's one thing crying in front of somebody, but it's worse when it's over a boy.

"Nina..can you take me home?" Rikki asked, only praying that she'd say yes

"Take you home? There's only a few days left, are you sure you don't wanna stay?"

"..Yeah..I wanna go home. I don't wanna be here anymore."

Nina reluctantly agreed to take Rikki home, they both walked pack to the hotel so Rikki could pack.

Apparently she made too much noise when packing, and woke up her fiends by mistake

"Rikki? The fuck are you doing?" -Odie

"Fuck..You scared the shit out of me." -Rikki

"Are you packing?" -Ronnie

Rikki never responded, and just continued packing..too tired to demand for a response, Ronnie and Odie just fell back alseep, or went on their phones.

As quietly as possible, Rikki got her stuff and left, meeting Nina at her car.

"You ready?"


Being reluctant with her choice already, Rikki got into Nina's car and they started heading to her house.

"..Hey..how did you ever figure out that you loved Ronnie..? And..more importantly, how did you get over your obsession with Jeff?"

Nina almost seemed shocked by the question. Everybody was aware of her former Jeff obsession when she was a delusion teenager, but nobody brought it up.

"Uh..well.." Nina thought a while before answering, "My Jeff obsession was..difficult to get over to say the least, I was a practically insane teenage girl with obsessions, once he found that out, he used me. Which was why I was so reluctant on you dating him. Though, during that time..I didn't even realize that I started having feelings for Ronnie. She treated me like nobody else did, made me feel special. I..I guess that's it..?"
Nina hoped that her response was enough for Rikki.

"How long do you think it'll take me to get over Jeff..?" Rikki slowly hugged herself as she overthank again.

What if she never got over him? What if she couldn't move on? What if no matter what, Jeff would always linger in her mind, controlling her? No matter how hard she tried..he'd still be there..

"Uhh..hellooo? Rikki? Did you hear me?" Nina snapped her fingers in front of Rikki's face, causing her to snap out of it, she pointed out the window to her house.

Rikki quickly thanked Nina yet told her not to tell anyone that she went home, and left, going inside of her house and heading to her room as quick as possible.

Holy Shit.

What..what emotion was she even feeling? Was she mad? Sad? She knew something was wrong, but he couldn't even put her finger on it.
It was still so baffling about how all of this had happened, she knew she didn't love Jeff, he had a feeling that Jeff didn't love her either. But, he couldn't help but think..about everything. Everything.

In a state of sorrow, Rikki quickly found everything that Jeff gave him. Hoodies, hairclips, weapons, just anything. And she trashed it. She put on one of the hoodies, and just started trashing everything. Trashed her room, broke his mirror. It ended up looking like some tornado had drove through her room.

Rikki was breathing heavily, looking at her destroyed room.
"..What's wrong with me..WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME." She screamed in anger. He slowly fell to the floor and rolled up in a ball, starting to sob.
The sobbing continued for such a long time, the only thing Rikki could do was mumble hateful things about herself and scream.

Things are never gonna be the same, are they?

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