★: A Break.

38 1 16

"You know, maybe we should just..take a break from each other."

Jeff was shaken to the core hearing that sentence. How could Rikki want to take a break from him already? Summer break had only just started a few weeks ago. The two didn't even get a chance to have a summer romance.

"Listen, don't freak out over i-"

"What? you don't want me to freak out? You're the only leaving me so you can go suck of-"

"Oh my gosh! I'm not fucking leaving you, okay Jeff? I'm just taking a short break from being with you. I just have a lot on my mind."

Jeff scoffed at Rikki's words. Even though Rikki had a sincere look on her face, Jeff could hardly believe her, and to be honest. This was happening all in a park, Rikki could honestly be acting out for attention. After all, she is an attention seeker. A huge one too.

In all honesty, Rikki was being honest. She had a shitton on her mind, and with those thoughts AND a boyfriend? It was too much for her.

"It's not permanent, but I just need some time for myself." Rikki cuffed Jeff's cheek and looked in his eyes, Jeff immediately looked away and took Rikki's hand off of his cheek.

Jeff walked away, tears slightly swelling in his eyes. It would hurt to have water touch his bleached skin, but nothing would ever hurt as badly as this.

Rikki watched Jeff walk off, he had a nonchalant look on his face. Rikki just took a break from dating a famous serial killer. Honestly, not her best idea.

Whatever, I mean it's summer! They're both attractive people with many people begging to even make eye contact with them, they'll get over it. Right?

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