★: Pool Drama

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Rikki and EJ continued unpacking as they heard a knock on the door. As EJ went over to unlock it, there was whispering on the other side of the door. Rikki walked over and put her ear up to it, some of it was muffled but it was mainly insults. The voices sounded like Nina, Liu, Jeff, Danish and Jane.

Rikki opened the door to the group bickering, mainly everyone yelling at Jeff
Mid agrument, Jane pointed out that Rikki was at the door.
"Oh, hey Rikki! We were wondering if you were gonna answer." Nina answered cheerfully, she then explained that everyone was going down to the pool area, the four only came along because they didn't want Jeff to talk to you all by himself.

"Yeah, cool..let me get my swimsuit on and stuff and I'll be down in a bit, EJ will come with me if decided he wants to."

"Alright, see you soon, bloodsucker."
Rikki quickly closed the door, and got her swimsuit.

"You comin?"

"...Sure, just let me find my stuff."

Rikki went into the bathroom and got changed, EJ was already done changing when she came out. Once they were ready, they both headed down to the pool area together.

"Rikki! EJ! Over here!" The two (lovers.) looked over to see Danish and Nina waving, as they walked over, Jeff immediately came up to Rikki, almost dragged her to a seat he saved. The seat was a few seats away from her friends, but once she set her stuff down, she immediately went to talk to them. Rikki wanted to spend the least amount of time with Jeff as he could.

"Hey guys, sorry it took me a whi-....what the hell is Jae doing." Rikki looked over to the pool, to see Jae hitting a kid with a pool noodle.

"She's been doing this for a while, actually. Just beating up kids in the pool. One of them had to step out because they almost drowned." Danish replied, putting her hair in a ponytail.

"Can't you get kicked out of the pool for that?..and if this really serious then the hotel?" Jayde questioned.

The three looked at eachother in a "should we tell her?" face, until Rikki just jumped in the pool, grabbed the pool noodle that Jae was hitting the kid with and told her to stop.

"Jae..Stop beating up little annoying kids, what did they even do to you?"

"...Nothing, they're just annoying. You JUST said so."

"That's fair..but do you WANT to get kicked out of the pool?"

Jae stopped, seemingly like she was thinking, and finally said "Nope."
Rikki and Jae got out of the pool together, and walked over to the chairs, Jae dried herself off while Rikki just stood there, soaked.
[Now it will be marked of whos talking because like six people will be talking. In a different language.]

"Yeh, Iikkr, kool show gominc rveo eerh." -Jayde

Rikki looked over to see Jeff AND EJ walking together, seemingly in Rikki's direction

"Ho this...thaw od HOTB for mhet tanw?" -Rikki

"Eaybm yhet tanw uoy ot eivg mhet deah, eikl a ehreesomt." -Jae

"Ha Ha." -Rikki

"Iikkr, yhw did uoy nvee teg kacb hitw Fefj? Uoy dais uoy eerw aonng dne ti eht tomenm uoy was mih." -Jayde

"I tond wnok, eudd..I yeallr tond." -Rikki
After that, Jeff and Jack walked over..

"BOOOOOO" -Danish

"Yeah fuck you too.[shows up middle finger to danish, how edgy.] Yo, Rikki. Jack and I were about to order something, you want anything?" -Jeff

"Huh? Oh yeah sure whatev." -Rikki

"Do you wanna come with us and order, or do you just wanna tell us?" -Jack

"I'll come with. Ees uoy suyg ratel. [waves goodbye to her friends, how sweet.]" -Rikki

Rikki then walked off with Jeff and EJ, holding hands with Jeff, despite not wanting to.

Jayde, Danish and Jae looked at Rikki walk off.

"That woman is insane." -Jayde

"Insane is light word to use for Rikki." -Jae

"I think I'm more concerned about her and Jeff, I mean there HAS to be some kind of reason they got back together." -Danish

"It's her business, we shouldn't really worry about i-" -Jayde

Jayde was cut off by someone from pool management, he looked disappointed in the girls. He had a very stern look on his face. A mixture of sadness and disappointment.

"THAW did uoy suyg od...MI tnnoceni eerh" Jae whispered to the other two girls. They shrugged and then the staff spoke

"A kid was almost drowned in the pool..luckily he survived, but the kid said the person who tried to kill him had white on their outfit..and you three girls have white on your outfits. I was just wondering, did any of you do so?"

Jayde had the second most white on her outfit, her swimsuit was a mostly pink one peice with a white bow near the top, it had ruffles on it as well. Jayde was completely dry though, it obviously couldn't be her.

Danish had the least about of white to her outfit, it was a pink and white gingham one peice, it looked more like a swim dress.

Jae had the most amount of white on her outfit, she had a black and white crossover bikini.

The three girls looked at eachother, and back at the pool staff. Until Danish finally said.
"It was the dude over there! The one next to the one with a blue mask and the emo looking girl..I mean, he has a white hoodie on, and really pale skin..I saw it all happen."
Jae and Jayde immediately agreed with said lie.
The pool staff then walked over to where Jeff, Rikki and Jack were.

"Excuse me, but I need to talk to you young man." Pool staff tapped Jeff the shoulder, he turned around in the most annoyed look ever.

"Those girls over there told me that you were responsible for the almost drowning of a little boy, that true?"

Jeff looked over at Danish with the dirtiest look you could ever give someone. He looked over and Rikki, she gave him a "just do what he says.." look.

Jeff sighed, "I didn't expect him to actually almost die. I was just playing with him."
Pool staff told Jeff that playing like that is against rules.

"I'm afraid we'll have to ban you from the pool for today. What you just ordered will be sent to your room."

Jeff got his stuff, but didn't immediately start walking to his room, he walked over to the place where Danish, Jae and Jayde were.

He looked directly in Danish's eyes and said "You'll fucking pay for taking me away from her." With that, he walked to his room.

Rikki moved her stuff to sit with her friends, and they continued talking to eachother about whatever they talk about. Jae continued beating up kids in the pool. If she ever got caught, she'd just blame it on someone else.

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