"Stop fucking lying Dave, i'm not stupid, that don't even sound real" I yelled fed up with his bull shit. "I ain't fucking lying" he yelled back. "Then how you get the bitch pregnant? Cause nothing you saying is adding up" I yell back. "Man I just told yo dumbass that I was drunk, I don't fucking remember" he said making me roll my eyes. "Well someone is lying because this story you're telling me is pure bullshit" I told him. "Nobody is lying just accept the shit" he said. Ooooo this nigga want me to punch him bad. "I-" I stopped talking once I heard Messiah start to cry. I mentally rolled my eyes feeling myself get annoyed at myself for fighting with Dave in front of my baby.

"I ain't gon stay up here trying to plead my case, I'm out" he said kissing Messiah's cheek before getting his key off the kitchen counter and leaving.

I looked down at Messiah in my arms who was still crying making me feel even more bad. "I'm sorry papa" I say kissing his cheeks. I tilt my head backwards to hold my own tears in. I took a deep breath calming my self down. "I know I'm sorry baby, mommy won't ever do that again" I say holding him close to my chest. After a while he calmed down making me breathe a bit better. "You wanna watch Elmo baby" I say as a smile places on his face making me smile.

While he watched his Elmo show I ate my Alfredo pasta and sipped on my water while scrolling on instagram, I scrolled down to a post made by the shade room showing Dave and Kali sitting at a cafe and they seemed deep in a conversation. Dave had his mug on his face that he has when he get's mad. I read the caption, #TSRReactionz: #DaveEast is caught out at a cafe in Manhattan with a mystery woman who is not as we know Dave's wife #iamamaria. #Roomies, who is this mystery woman?" the caption read. I rolled my eyes continuing to scroll until I finished my dinner.

I honestly need at least glass of wine, to help me get my mind off everything. I'm still breastfeeding though, I haven't consumed alcohol in more than a year and it ain't affect me until now, to top it off I ain't had dick in god knows how long and I can't even make myself feel better with a little wine in my system.

I got my dirty dishes putting them in the dishwasher, after I cleaned the kitchen I made my way to the living room, I picked up Messiah from his play pen and turned the volume down before making my way down the hall into his room. I changed his diaper and changed him into his clothes before sitting down on the rocking chair and started breastfeeding him. I went on my phone watching YouTube and after a while Messi ended up falling asleep. I lay him in his crib and covered his body in a blanket before turning his sound machine on and leaving his bedroom.

I made my way back to the living room and lay on the couch staring at Elmo playing on the tv. I was zoned out but I could still see Elmo playing, I hate Dave right now, but he is the only thing on my mind. Damn I really am dick deprived.

Dave's POV

All this shit feels weird as fuck. Ari was right, none of this is adding up, if we slept together wouldn't she have talked about it or said something to me? She would have been on me heavy too. I know I got drunk that night, so I don't remember what happened between being at the club until the next morning. Thats another red flag, I don't forget much when I'm drunk, little things sure, but I would have remembered fucking with Kali. 

I called Otis to get information, to see if he knew anything that happened that night since he is my driver. He knew about me and Kali getting close.

- 2 hours later-

I knocked on Ari's door and waited for her to open the door. "What do you want?" she asked me once she opened the door and I could tell she was tired. "I'm sorry" I apologised and she rolled her eyes at me. "You one sorry ass nigga lately " she said crossing her arms. "What did you come here for Dave?" she asked me, fed up.

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