Therefore, at the moment, I am sitting down on the front steps of the schools' entrance. Drawing random shapes on my legs to keep me calm and busy. Everything is going okay so far. My only worry right now is the fact that it's getting dark. However, Namjoon is a leader... I can just tell. He'll make it back to me in time. I'm confident. Unless he trips over a large rock, that clumsy fool. I chuckle at a few memories of the wolf tripping over himself back in the apartment.

An hour later....

With a sigh, I stand up. No sign of Namjoon and a lot of signs telling me it's night already. Looking out into the forest, my heart starts to race. The trees are littered everywhere, leaving almost no light for the moon to hit to the forest ground. It's all so dark. Closing my eyes, I listen in to the sounds of the mini forest. Bugs singing, animals howling, and the leaves of the bushes and trees shaking against the wind breeze.

Wait... 'animals howling'? Snapping my eyes open, pure worry and adrenaline runs through me as I start to make my way through the dark forest.

Which didn't last long, because as soon as I took five steps; I felt something heavy pin me down. Getting the breath knocked out of me wasn't part of today I had hoped for. I stayed laying on the dirt ground; blinking to get adjusted to the change of light. I had to hold in a gasp as I saw a huge, furry, black wolf with glowing yellow eyes. Staring into my own (eye/c) ones.

"N-Namjoon?", I whisper.

And that seems to snap him out of it. Suddenly, the wolf is gone and the face I've gotten used to seeing appears. Without a word, he stands up, and helps me up off the ground. I look at him silently wondering a few things, one of them being, 'I'm glad he still has clothes on. I don't know what I'd do had he shifted back naked.' At this thought, I feel my face heat up. 'No. No. Bad y/n. Get your mind out of the gutter.', I shake my head practically shaking a few indecent thoughts away.

Getting out of the mini forest, I could hear Namjoon murmur a small, ''Are you okay?" towards me.

I stood beside the tall giant, looking at him. "Y-yeah... I'm fine.''

When he turned to fully look at me, I could see his previous yellow eyes had gone back to their normal color. And that phrase I just answered him with, for some reason, had repeated in my head. 'I'm fine.' That phrase could be taken as is, but it's also very often-ly used to cover up how someone is truly feeling deep inside. It's like a mask, to have no one worry about you. Looking at this wolf, I can't help but to think. 'Are you 'fine' too? What had you gone through before I met you?'.

Namjoon grabbed my hand, holding it while simultaneously breaking me out of my stupor. Together, we started our trek back home. The walk was eerily silent. I could tell Namjoon was partially blaming himself for not being able to find Jimin today. Looking around, I saw a nearby convenience store shining brightly in the dark. I pulled on the hybrids hand, getting in front of him to shift his focus from the ground to me. With a smile on my face, "Come on let's go get some ramen!"

Noticing Namjoon's ears twitch in the name of ramen made my smile widen. 'He's cute without trying to be.'

His gaze softened as he responded with a small smile, "Alright."

The inside of the store was pretty average, different isles with different products like, bags of chips, cans of soda, or even hygiene like deodorant. You get the idea. I dragged Namjoon over to the ramen section. "Hmmm...let's see.", while trying to make my selection I saw the big puppy grabbing at a milder flavored ramen. "Can't handle the heat?'', I teased him.

Runaways by Pinkmask03Where stories live. Discover now