Special: King K. Rool

Start from the beginning


"Well, it's all a bit of hearsay," Korporal Klump shrugs, "but I hear he took one too many Kong-infused knocks to the old, scaly noggin."

Thunder boomed outside as they continued to talk about what ever happened to K. Rool. There have been many, many rumors of what happened to him. Some were far-fetched, while others were too ridiculous.

"You wanna know what I heard?" The Kremling hiding in the barrel spoke, "I
heard he got picked to the bone by a bunch of bloody sharks!" He cackles.

Klaptrap chuckles, "Bro said, “electric
barbecue #slowcooked”."

Krusha spoke next, "Ahhh, I heard that
a higher power determined that he, and by proxy us, were unfit to continue coexisting with our Kong rivals, forcibly removing all contact with them and thus leading to a life of hiding."


The figure finally reached his destination, where there is a stone throne and a fake dummy of Donkey Kong. The dummy was stabbed with many swords like a pin cushion. The figure sat on the throne and threw something at the dummy that made it tilt back. It circled back to the figure's throne, where he catches the item with his finger. It was a gold crown.

The Kremling Krew continued to chat and talk about whatever happened to K. Rool. However, they didn't fully realize that the walls had ears. Ears that we're none too pleased as memories of the old days filled his mind.

It got so bad that the figure finally snapped.


Back at the Gangplank Galleon, the ship trembled violently as a deafening explosion rocked through its hull, causing the entire vessel to shudder. Green smoke billowed into the galley of the ship as the crew members anxiously looked around, their eyes wide with anticipation and fear. Some had taken cover under the tables, covering their heads. The atmosphere in the galley was thick with tension, and the Kremlings stood frozen, their hearts pounding in their scaly chests.

Suddenly, a deep and commanding voice resonated through the air, drowning out the chaotic aftermath of the explosion. It sounded like it came from an announcer over a loudspeaker.

"So he's finally back, performing for you."

The words hung in the air, carrying a sense of foreboding. The Kremlings instinctively turned their attention toward the source of the voice. Their eyes widened as the faint sounds of foot steps indicate an imminent presence.

"If you know your place, you can join him too."

With each word, the anxiety in the room escalated. The Kremlings exchanged nervous glances, their claws trembling in anticipation as the footsteps grew closer and more pronounced.

"Put your claws together for a villain, most cruel."

As the tension reached its peak, a massive shadow gradually crept closer, enveloping the room in darkness. The Kremlings watched in awe and trepidation as the silhouette of a colossal figure took form, casting an intimidating presence that seemed to fill every nook and cranny of the galley.

"Cause this time..."

A thunderous boom echoed through the ship, resonating with an intensity that mirrored the pounding of the Kremlings' hearts.

And then, with an air of dominance, King K. Rool, the ruthless, formidable, and very much alive leader of the Kremling Krew, strode into the room.

"He's here to rule." His deep, gravelly voice reverberated through the galley, commanding attention and respect. The Kremlings stood in awe, their eyes locked on their leader.

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