So I've Been Watching a Show

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"It seems that my business needs a new kind of investment." My so-called father announced in the dining hall. "Clothing stocks are having been popular with newer trends, therefore a new of clothing trend might be popular."

"Oh I see," I answered almost disinterestedly, as if it had anything to do with me. Your business is your business. Why does it matter to me?

"Father, may I suggest something?" Aria's clear voice filled the room.

"You, Aria? Are you interested in fashion trends?" Father asked Aria.

"I was thinking about fur being a good investment," Aria announced. 

"Fur? Why Fur?" The Count asked confusedly. Aria smiled to herself sweetly as she said, "You see, I've been hearing rumors about the Princess, who recently went to the North. And I've heard she brought a lot of furs."

"Fur?" The Count voiced my questions out loud.

"Yes, in fact, she loaded all the carriage with loads of fur. More than ten of the Imperial Carriages were full of fur. And if it's fur, you can dye it with multiple colors while it's soft. On top of everything, anything that the Princess wears, is to become a trend, correct?" Aria logically concluded. "Therefore, Fur is the next trend."

Wow. I clapped my hands internally. So the novel really called her wits-outs. I had to give several kudo points to her. Even I don't pay attention to these kinds of things. If I did, I wouldn't care as much.

The Count instantly thought of multiple things within his head. He fell into silence as he whispered, "That sounds very good. But where did you hear this rumor from?"

"I am not sure where, but from somewhere. I'm sorry Father!" Aria apologized meekly.

"It's fine Aria, it's a really clever idea of yours," The Count praised Aria out loud. I nodded along to his praise feeling that she had really deserved it.

"Anyhow, I will be going on a business trip, let me know what kinds of presents everybody will like so that I can bring them to you," The Count happily said.

"Oh dear, take care." Aria's mother told him softly. 

"Be careful, father. It will be quite the trip out there." Cain told the Count.

"Please take care of yourself, Father," I told him.

"Thank you Mielle, you are a very sweet girl." The Count patted my head. I wanted to roll my eyes, but I didn't say anything else. If this man really cared for Mielle, he would ask for Mielle's well-being instead of staying neutral while his daughters fought.

"Father," Aria said out loud, interrupting my words. I turned to look at Aria, who quickly approached the Count and then politely handed him a beautifully embroidered handkerchief into his hands. "I'm not too confident since I am a beginner, but I thought you might need one along the journey."

"Please take care, Father," Aria said softly.

Woah... the embroidered handkerchief at last. It was truly gorgeous. Although not a masterpiece like Sarah's, Aria's embroidery was really good. Even better than mines, for now.

"My, my," Aria's mother said, "That's quite fancy. I wondered what you needed the silk for, but it seems it was for this."

The Count became surprised by this outcome, he looked at it and said, "Haha... it seems I have received quite something. Thank you, I shall treasure it."

"Thank you, Father," Aria said back to him. And like that, the Count was off on his journey out and away.

And then all of a sudden, Aria turned around to face me.

So I've reincarnated as Mielle Rosecent!Where stories live. Discover now