So I've decided to Learn Embroidery

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"My Lady, it seems as if that wench's daughter has been learning some poetry to suck up to the Count." Emma, the so-called Nanny said, as she combed the luscious honey hair of Mielle's body. I wanted to inwardly roll my eyes.

I don't think reciting poetry is all that matters, here. It's all about who is better than who. But I needed to get a headstart so that Aria wouldn't go after me. In the original novel, Aria wanted to paint Mielle as a stupid scapegoat who became jealous of Aria and tried to kill her.


Don't you think it's a bit too petty for a twenty-eight-year-old woman like Aria, who had died and reincarnated, to intellectually challenge her thirteen-year-old sister? 

Well, it's me in Mielle's body anyway, but in all matters, to take revenge on something that occurred way in the past– is something only a petty woman would do.

I had no right to judge anybody.

"Emma," I called the Nanny's name out loud. "Please refrain from addressing them both that way. If someone had heard you, they would have bad intentions against us."

"Forgive me, my lady." The nanny apologized. I shrugged. I honestly wanted both of our necks to stay out of Aria's revenge.

"It's alright. Instead, why don't you find me an etiquette teacher?" I told the Nanny instead. "I need to brush up on some of my etiquette skills. "

"Why would my lady, who has already mastered etiquette want to learn more?" Emma asked worriedly.

Hah. Me, knowing etiquette? Oh Please, forget etiquette, I didn't even know basic manners.

"Emma, be honest. Do you think I have been acting like a 'real' noble?" I asked Emma.

"That... I'm sure it's because my Lady is in the process of recovering from her memories–"

"No, that simply isn't enough," I told Emma outright. "If I am going to continue to become the pride of the Rosecent family, I need to get rid of anything that pulls me down."

If Mielle's pride came from her noble-like lineage and her noble attitude, then I shall perfect it. Because Aria would be doing anything to catch up to the original Mielle's standards, not knowing that the body has been reincarnated.

Therefore, I need to change Aria's expectations of Mielle.

"Understood my lady." Emma bowed.

"And one more thing. If a pink-haired woman..." I tried to remember the name of my favorite character in this entire novel, "from a humble family comes to visit– let her visit me instead."

"Oh," Emma sighed. "A pink-haired woman?" She scratched her head. "Who is that, my Lady?"

Oh Fuck. What was her name again? Sarah... it was something, Sarah.

"Sarah... something," I mumbled. Ah fuck, whatever. "Oh well, you will know once you see her. She has really bright pink hair."

"You mean the daughter of the Viscount? Sarah Loren?" Emma quickly catches on. Yes! Yes! Her!

"Indeed. Her... Sarah Lorren, it seems." I mumbled. "She is Aria's new tutor. I would like to make an appointment with her before she enters the household officially."

"Yes, my lady." Emma bowed. "I shall make those arrangements immediately." 



Sarah Loren, the daughter of Viscount Lorren– had finally entered the Roscente manor. She was a simply-dressed woman, but her aura and her charm made her irresistible. Usually Viscounts were of a lower noble class than other nobles, so a daughter of a Viscount, was just somebody.

So I've reincarnated as Mielle Rosecent!Where stories live. Discover now