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The air of the Time Wound was freezing. I had sent Lydia home for a break. I planned on trying to do the rest of this on my own. I finally found a spot where the air wasn't blowing as hard. I finally put the Scroll in my hands and took a deep breath.

I opened the scroll to see a battle. There were bodies of both dead Nords and dragons everywhere. I saw three people, a woman with short blond hair, an old man with a giant Scroll on his back and a man with a scarred face. They were trying to fight dragons. Finally, I heard the shout I'd be trying to learn this whole time.

"Joor frah zuul!" I heard them use it. The dragon was in horrible agony, screaming in pain. They finished off the beast and I looked at it. Soon enough, they were facing Alduin, who was taunting them and calling them names. The blond and the scarred man were fighting him as the old man tried to open a scroll. The blond did not watch her steps and she ended up shaken in Alduin's maw. Finally, the scarred man was able to distract Alduin enough for the old man to open the Scroll and banish him into it.

They were not even sure if they did the right thing. As I closed the scroll, I saw two dragons flying towards me. This was a great time to have told my follower to go back home. I have to make it through so I can see my family again. I can't see them in the Dreamsleeve, I have to give them a hug still.

Alduin landed in front of me, looking at me like a bug under him. Black smoke filled the air for a second. Suddenly, a very tall and handsome Nord with black hair appeared. He walked to me like he was in a rush. I got up, hand on the hilt of my sword. I turned red as I realized that he was naked. He grabbed my face with his hand. We were just staring at each other for a moment, an awkward silence between us. He yanked off my glass helmet with one hand.

"Aemma..is it really you?" He muttered in a soft voice. I am really, really frickin' confused. I was trying my hardest to stop staring at him. The golden green dragon landed. It was Paarthurnax. The man stopped and looked at him.

"You traitor!" His voice was a softer and more sultry version of Alduin's. Oh. Ohhhhhhhhh.

"Brother...." Paarthurnax spoke. Smoke filled the air again. I took the chance to unsheath my sword and aim at the man's head. The sword stopped halfway through. The motherfucker had stopped it, halfway through with his hand, at the cost of blood spilling down the blade.

"You......you're not her! Bahloki nahkip sillesejoor. My belly is full of the souls of your fellow mortals, Dovahkiin. Die now and await your fate in Sovngarde!" He transformed back into a dragon.

Paarthurnax spoke, "Lost funt. You are too late, Alduin!"

Alduin: "Suleyki mulaag, Paarthurnax. My power has waxed, while yours has waned. Aav uv dir. Join me or perish with your mortal friends."

Paarthurnax's brow furrowed. "Unslaad hokoron! Never again!"

They both started to shout at each other, breathing fire and ice on each other. Meteors fell from the sky. I used elemental bolts and my bow to try to attack him. He breathed fire on me and Paarthurnax used the opportunity to bite his neck.

"Yol shul toor!" I shouted at Alduin. His eyes had a strange expression on them, like rage and sadness into one. My sympathy is returned with a meteor barely missing me by a few inches. Paarthurnax manages to ground Alduin.

"Joor fral zul!" I shouted at him. He groaned in agony as he was grounded. He looked like he was in a lot of pain. Good, I have a fighting chance now.

"You may have picked up the weapon of my ancient foes but you are not their equal!" He shouted at me.

"Bite me!" I hollered at him.

"With pleasure! My teeth to your neck." He tried to snap at me as I slid under his belly and cut into his softer underbelly. He almost grabbed my arm with his teeth but it only made scratches on my armor. Thank God. Alduin finally gives up and flies up, staring directly at Paarthurnax and at me.

"Meyz mul, Dovahkiin. You have become strong." I felt a smile form on my face. "But I am Al-du-in, Firstborn of Akatosh! Mulaagi zok lot! I cannot be slain here, by you or anyone else! You cannot prevail against me. I will outlast you... mortal!"

He then flew away. That was tough. But so am I. 

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