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bloopers bcs funni


[Chapter 1]

Tanjirou; " Good mOR- " oh- voice crack :')

Aoi; *snort*


Tanjirou; " Oh, ok- ah! "

Zenitsu; that sounded so weird, tanjirou.


Inosuke; *repeatedly punching tanjirou's back*

Tanjirou; what-?

Inosuke; you didnt get scared!


Inosuke; " hAH? " ...

Tanjirou; *trying not to laugh*

Zenitsu; you sound so- *wheeze* stupid when- *wheezex2* you get a voice crack..!


Tanjirou; " Alright, then! I'm going to visit- somebody. " ..why can't i say im going to see giyuu-san?! *huff*


Tanjirou; *reading script* " As I reached it, I was greeted brightly by Kanroji, Rengoku, and Tokitou. I offered waves and friendly smiles, but as much as I liked the three, I was looking for someone else "- that's so mean! *whine*


Giyuu; " hI- " fuck. voice crack.

Tanjirou; *snort*


Matsuemon; " Cawww! Cawwww! Kamado Tanjirou! Head Northwest! Northwest! Cawww! "

Giyuu; loud-ass bird..

Tanjirou; *sympathetic sigh*

Matsuemon; *offended bird-snort*


Giyuu; " ..Her scent? "

Tanjirou; that sounds weird out of context-

Giyuu; it does.


Tanjirou; *reading script* '" The sun had dipped low beneath the trees by the time we arrived at the village. The last streaks of scarlet became smothered by the dark indigo color of night. Stars dotted the darkening sky. " what a pretty description! night skies are beautiful.

Giyuu; *soft smile* they are.

Nezuko; *humming in agreement*


chapter 2 bloopers soon

they're all gonna be in different chapters so i can have more parts in this story

A New Type of Affection. || Inotan.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ