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Inosuke's POV;

I woke up, laying next to Tanjirou. After contemplating a bit, I remembered how I'd gotten into this situation. His arm was wrapped around my waist, and I found mine around his. I wondered where his other arm was, glancing around until I realized it was wrapped around Monitsu.

I growled under my breath, but I didn't wake Tanjirou up, or move his arm. Monitsu blinked awake and looked at me. " Wha..? " He was about to speak, but I put my finger to my lips and glanced at Tanjirou. Monitsu took the hint and shut up, at least for a second.

Then he squealed quietly when he saw Tanjirou's little sister. Turning to me again, Monitsu whispered, " Have you ever seen a more adorable sibling pair?! "

I shook my head, and he grew this goofy-ass grin on his face. " Nezuko-Chan's so precious~ " He cooed quietly. I rolled my eyes and snuggled closer to Tanjirou. As much as it hurt my pride to admit it, I was really glad he was okay.

Monitsu got up and wiggled out of the bed, but I stayed next to Tanjirou. I didn't wanna be anywhere else, and it's not like I had a mission. I was free to go wherever I pleased for the moment.

Not long after I did, Tanjirou opened his eyes. He glanced around, then looked down at me. There was a sweet emotion in his eyes -- one I've learned to recognize as love, or affection. The two were basically the same thing, so it didn't matter which one I read, Tanjirou had told me.

" Good morning, Inosuke, " Tanjirou whispered to me. I grunted in reply and plopped my head down on his bare chest. He was warm. Comfy warm. Tanjirou chuckled and wrapped his other arm around me, his hand coming to rest on the back of my head.

He played gently with my hair, and I buried my face in his chest. I felt him shift, and I guessed his sister had gotten up and walked away, leaving us alone. He pulled me closer to him, twining his legs with mine. It felt strangely comforting to be in this position with him.

Tanjirou began rubbing small circles into my lower back with one hand, the other still playing gently with my hair. I nuzzled my face deeper into his chest, tightening my grip around his waist, and relaxed my shoulders.

" You scared me really bad when you passed out.. I thought you were gonna..- " I didn't finish my sentence; a lump formed in my throat. " I'm sorry, Inosuke. " He whispered, resting his chin on the top of my head. His voice hummed in his throat, and I loved the sound.

" I won't let myself get killed. Not until I avenge my family. " Tanjirou murmured. " If that's your goal, " I answered, " I'm staying with you to do it. "

He chuckled softly and held me tight. " Alright, then. "


Tanjirou's POV;

I placed a gentle kiss on Inosuke's head. I heard him mumble something, andi waited for him to speak up.

" Monjirou.. What is this.. feeling?? " He asked me. " What feeling? " I asked, blinking at him. " It's like... I don't wanna leave your side. Like I wanna be by you forever. Sorta like- I'd go insane without you. " He replied. " It feels like there's butterflies in my stomach, but it only happens when I'm near you.

My face heated up. " That's called love, " I told him, trying my hardest to keep my voice steady. Inosuke loves me..? How sweet..

" Love..? " Inosuke repeated quietly. " I like this feeling. I love you, Tanjirou. "

My heart soared. Tears filled my eyes. " I love you too, Inosuke. " I murmured.

" Hey, Tanjirou..? " Inosuke whispered after a few minutes of comfortable silence. " Hm? " I mumbled. " Monitsu told me about this thing... boyfriends, he called it..? He told me everything about it.. uh... " Inosuke trailed off. " Yes? What about it? " I asked quietly. " Er.. could-.. could we be.. boyfriends..? " Inosuke asked, looking up at me.

My eyes widened and my face went red. " If that's what you want, Inosuke, I'd love to be. " I answered.

Inosuke's eyes brimmed with joy. He squeezed me tight and cackled. I chuckled and squeezed him back.

The the door bursted open. " Congratulations!! " Zenitsu shouted. Nezuko hummed happily and leaped up and down. Kanao followed behind, smiling wide.

" Thank you, " I sat up and smiled back at my friends, unable to express how happy I felt. For the rest of the day, we talked, laughed, and played around. I couldn't remember the last time I'd had that much fun, but I knew I'd remember today for years to come.


finally done- sorry it took so long! shorter chapter, yes I know, but Fluff. hope you liked this!

wod count; 800.

A New Type of Affection. || Inotan.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora