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Inosuke's POV;

Where the Hell did Gonpachirou go? I thought angrily. We were supposed to train. I was gonna fight him, and win today! But that bastard disappeared.

I decided to go and find Monitsu. Him and his damn sharp ears, he might be able to find Gonpachirou.

" Oi, Caribou! " I called out. He peeked his head around the corner with a nasty look on his face. " My name's Zenitsu, idiot! " He shot back at me.

I rolled my eyes. " Wolf-dog. Same difference. " I muttered. " Anyway, where the Hell is Monjirou? "

Caribou walked closer to me. " Tanjirou. And I heard him leave; he's on a mission now. " He told me.

Anger bubbled in my stomach. " What?! And he didn't take me?! We were supposed to train! I was gonna fight him! And- And-- "

Monitsu put his hands firmly on my shoulders. " Calm down, Inosuke. Tanjirou probably didn't forget, he just had to go on that mission. You guys can train when he gets back. Okay? "

I narrowed my eyes and huffed. " Fine. But only because I decided I would do it! I'm the boss, y'know! "

Monitsu rolled his eyes. " Okay, fine. You can train with me for now. Okay? " He offered.

I hesitated, but accepted. " Okay. But I'll win! " I declared. " Okay, hotshot. " Monitsu scoffed. We changed into our uniforms and headed to the back, where we always trained.

I stood frozen while Monitsu grabbed our wooden training blades. I huffed as he handed me only one of the things. " Only one? I fight with two! " I complained. Monitsu sighed. " Okay, okay, hang on. "


Zenitsu's POV;

I sighed. " Okay, okay, hang on. " I told Inosuke as I turned and returned to the bin of wooden training swords, grabbing another one. I went back to him and gave it to him.

He let out a maniac cackle as we got into our stances. He had a strange sound to him. Almost like he was grieving. I shrugged it off, and just in time.

He lunged at me without warning. I quickly held up my sword and pushed him back, my muscles tensing. I won't lie; he's strong.

He cackled again and leaped high, out of my line of sight as he maneuvered his way behind me. I didn't turn till I was sure of his placement.

Just before he could reach me, I spun around and hit him hard in the side. He flew to the side and crashed to the ground with a harsh thud sound that rang in my ears.

I jumped, but didn't move from my spot as I asked him, " Are you okay, Inosuke?- "

My heart jumped into my throat as he curled into a ball and groaned loudly. I listened to his sound carefully; it'd changed. He wasn't plotting anything. He was genuinely hurt.

I rushed over and knelt next to him, waving my arms frantically. " Inosuke ! Are you okay?! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you that hard- sorry! "

He looked up at me. His boar mask was off, allowing me to see his feminine face. He let out another groan. My heart sank.

" I- Uh- okay-- just wait here! I'll get Kochou-San!- " I told Inosuke, quickly rising to my feet and running inside.

Aoi saw me. " What are you so panicked about? " She asked me.

I stared at her. " Is- is- " I stuttered and broke off, suddenly panting. I glanced up as Kochou-San appeared from around the corner. She looked at me, and I quickly blurted out, " Inosuke's hurt! "

Her eyes widened slightly and she followed me out to where Inosuke was lying.

She knelt beside him. " Inosuke? Can you hear me? "

Inosuke nodded. My anxiety settled slightly. Then Kochou-San reached out and felt his waist, where there was a bruise to make it obvious where I hit him.

I sighed sadly and went back inside, my mind foggy with regret. I hadn't meant to hurt Inosuke.
Inosuke's POV;

I winced as Mosquito Lady touched the spot on my waist where Monitsu had hit me.

" I'm sorry, " She whispered softly to me as she checked over the spot. I gulped and bit my lip, refusing to show any sign of pain. I turned my face towards the ground.

I heard rustling, then something extremely cold on my waist. I yelped at the frigid contact and shot up to see what had happened.

" Calm down, It's only an ice pack. Your waist is bruised, but nothing else. You'll be okay, just sit back for now, okay? " Mosquito Lady told me.

My heart sank into my stomach. Probably more literally than I thought it would. " No training?! I can't do that! This is just a bruise, really! " I protested.

Mosquito shook her head. " I'm sorry, Inosuke. I don't want you to end up with a worse injury. So no training until Tanjirou returns from his mission. "

I grunted and stood up, striding past her and back inside. I sat beside Monitsu in the lounge, a scowl fixed on my face.

aand I'm gonna leave it there. Yall have prob been waiting for this, sorry it took so long :')

word count; 860.

A New Type of Affection. || Inotan.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon