4: Questions and Answers

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"Sylvie?" Sylvie opened her eyes. She looked up, meeting Amber's concerned golden ones. "This... this isn't like usual. What happened?" Sylvie evaded the girl's eyes. Amber watched as Sylvie's head lowered. The girl in front of her seemed so... so much smaller than usual. Amber's hands remained steady on the girl's shoulders, sensing the way the girl shivered.

Amber frowned, this wasn't like Sylvie at all. Something happened that day to make her like this. Amber lightly rubbed the girl's shoulder. Then, the sound of heels clicking against the tiled floor of the corridor made Amber glance up.

Sylvie sighed, turning sharply away from Amber, preparing to run off until she saw the figure in front of her. Amber remained behind Sylvie as she spoke up, "Secretary Eden?" The woman was clad in a black suit, dark sunglasses covering her deep indigo eyes. Her pastel green hair was cut short, into a bob. She wasn't as cold and stiff as Sylvie, but she still gave off the aura of someone in control.

Professional. Tidy. Controlled.

(If only she felt like that deep down. She just hoped the students didn't notice how her hands trembled around the electronic tablet in her hands. Approaching Sylvie was the last thing any staff wanted to do, why did it have to be her?)

The Headmaster's secretary gave a nod as Sylvie stiffened. Just like that... Sylvie had frozen up again. Amber furrowed her brow, concerned for the girl. She glanced at the two men beside her - one with shoulder length hair that was an odd greenish-beige, the other's hair more reddish-brown. Police detectives, based on their badges.

The police? Amber's eyes widened.

The secretary silently gulped. "Miss Bishop... Headmaster Andromeda has called for an emergency meeting with you," Sylvie's eyes narrowed as Amber looked concernedly between them.

What the hell happened to Sylvie..?


Kitty tapped her pen against the notebook in front of her, glancing up at the board. "Now the formula may seem complicated, but I assure you it's not..." The professor droned on, the monotone voice leaving Kitty bored, seeking distraction from everything else around her. She glanced at the empty chair beside her, frowning.

Amber would normally be next to her, probably smiling and telling her friend to keep taking notes. "Miss Alden," as if on cue, the professor called out Kitty's name. "I'd appreciate it if you could pay attention?" Kitty felt eyes fall on her and pushed down the urge to shudder.

Professor Themis looked at her bored and expectantly, as if she was supposed to excuse her lack of attention in his boring class. Mathematics classes and lectures were mandatory, although Kitty had a feeling even if they weren't, many would still flock to Themis' classes. He had a reputation - the heartthrob professor that almost everyone fawned over.

Kitty didn't get the appeal, it probably didn't help that she wasn't into men. That said, she felt a little bad for the married man – she suspected it probably wasn't fun to work with so many... intense gazes on him, looking at him with what could only be described as... 'lust'.

Kitty wanted to throw up.

She sighed. "Sorry, just wondering where Amber is," was all she said. She felt the eyes leave her as he turned back to his board.

"As far as I know, Miss Marvel was called into a meeting with the headmaster. Likely related to her duty as your student president," Kitty perked her head up at this, turning to Raven and Eliana.

"Have you guys heard about this?" Whilst Raven looked as if she wanted to die, glaring at the equations in her notebook, Eliana turned and hummed. Themis chose to ignore their talking as he continued.

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