Paper note

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Aaron's POV:Figured I'd walk by Gabriel's room one last time before they take everything out of it like Teddy's, lunch will be done soon so I have a 5 minutes of passing period. "You got a minute, Heeler?"A guy's voice said.

I looked up to be met with Gabriel's old dorm mate standing in front of me holding a piece of paper in his hand "Sure thing, what's up?"I said as he sat down across from me "We gotta be quick about this...Look, everyone knows Gabriel is dead, the guy was a real jerk face...But there was someone he couldn't stand being an ass to..."He sighed sliding the paper he was holding to me.

I picked up the paper and brought it to my face, the hand writing looked just like mine...But I know I didn't write this. I couldn't have.


The months we've been at this boarding school I've seen you and heard you all the time. Your mocks to the others kisses my ears before biting them. Love. It's funny when you think about it, it was almost funny when I thought about it. But the thought of you saying 'love you' to me was...Not a dream I'd live through, but a dream I'd want to wake up from. Gabriel, you may not have thought about it but I'm aware you love me and I'm sure everyone else is aware you love me. Hell boy it's obvious, the shit is obvious. I know the thought of being with me forever amazes you, the thoughts of your kisses on my lips just don't make me feel the same. P.s. Please leave my friends alone.

I placed the paper back down on the table now done reading it, "Gabriel liked me?". "You stated how you knew multiple times, why are you asking?!"Gabriel's old dorm mate said almost yelling. Since he was so loud some were turning their heads to us, "Shh! Keep it down...Dude, I did not write this...I knew Gabriel was mean to everyone but he must have had a good heart, this letter isn't mine, I never confronted or wrote this to him..."I sighed.

"Well, I found this under Gabriel's pillow, he seemed really upset about it hours before he died, I saw him shove it under his pillow angrily then he's dead by night! Did he stab himself to death or something..."He mumbled under his breath scratching the barely noticable hairs on his chin with the side of his pointer finger.

"*Sighs* I didn't write that-" "Quit lying, it's your handwriting I've seen it we're in the same english class! Are you blaming yourself for Gabriel's death so you're denying you wrote this?"

"Aaron, is this creep bothering you?"Silvia must have caught wind of Gabriel's old dorm mate coming to me and came to see what was going on, I was starting to think they were about to put their hand on a gun if he didn't leave. "I'm no creep! I'm just asking if It knows anything about Gabriel's death, given he wrote this to him!"He said getting up from where he sat down and put it in front of Silvia. Silvia rolled their eyes and snatched it from his grasp and read it to themself.

They paused for a moment, "Aaron, is this your handwriting?". I nodded. "Well you're his dorm mate did you see anything?"He asked, I expected Silvia to say I didn't do anything of the things he was stating but Silvia said something else "Look, the only I say was that Aaron was writing something, left the room then returned, that's it. I don't know what else happened, quit prying my friend"Silvia said then grabbed me by the arm to lift me out my seat.

I left Gabriel's old dorm mate to hold the paper note in his hand as he watched me and Silvia walk off.

How can Silvia say I did something I don't remember doing, did I do that, are they pulling a trick on me? How can I not know? Are there other things I'm missing? Am I losing my memories?

Time skip

Friday I decided to go to Henrietta's house to study for that history test we had, Henrietta hated that class but I liked it so maybe I'll motivate Henrietta to study and get a good grade. Then again she always wants to get good grades, she says her grandma sometimes yells at her for anything lower than a C. But if Henrietta did something good she'd ruffle Henrietta's hair and act like she never yelled at her over her grades.

Henrietta stepped off the bus with me and lend me to her apartment building, she searched her uniform pocket for her apartment key and let me and her inside. Henrietta expected to be alone with just me and her parents but someone else was there in the living room, already walking towards Henrietta "Henrietta! You're home!"I guess I'd assume, Grandma Sle was saying that.

I watched her hug Henrietta or at least try to with her shorter build from age and Henrietta's height thanks to...I guess her dad's side of the family's genes.  She took her arms from around Henrietta, seeming happy at first but then realized something, "Henrietta, wheres your necklace? The family heirloom! Oh, you didn't lose it did you?!" "Grandma, it's fine! It's in my bag..."Henrietta sighed now reaching into her bag to retrieve the family heirloom her grandma thought she lost.

"Oh good, I'm sorry I just want you to keep that safe okay? Now, whose your friend?"It was my turn to get Grandma Sle's attention, "This is my friend, Aaron, we're going to study for our history test, c'mon, Aaron"Henrietta sighed then walked me towards the kitchen table to study.

Hours later

I flipped through the flashcards I designed for Henrietta and me, there was nothing else to study for and the things we've studied for has already been memorized by me.

Henrietta looked bored, so I decided to start a converstation by bringing up what happened between me and Gabriel's old dorm mate. I don't know why I did it, I just wanted converstation with her.

When I got finished telling her the first part she looked annoyed at the mentioing of Gabriel, maybe she'll stop being so annoyed when I bring up what Silvia and him think I did.

Guess I was talking a bit too loud cause I saw Grandma Sle's interest pop up, "Oh, are you two talking about that Gabriel boy? So sad how a brute killed him before he could say how he loved-" "Grandma, we're not doing this again! Gabriel Johnson never had feelings for me, how do you call ruining a girl's art supplies, calling her names and pulling her hair, love?!"I watched Henrietta shout, I couldn't even tell if it was intentional.

Henrietta's POV:Not this bullshit again...Especially not in front of Aaron...If that was what love was back in her day I'm glad I'm aro...

I didn't mean to yell, I was just...So sick of her saying that, making those excuses just cause that was how her and grandpa were before he died...Still, why is she trying to recreate her and grandpa's love story through me and Gabriel, hated the guy since he started bullying me with his pals. She doesn't even know I skipped his funeral and had that incounter with the stoner guy. Wish I showed for gratitude towards Teddy...

Mom says not to listen to grandma, but I can't if this is how she's like this everytime she visits.

"Oh you young people...Henrietta you're only 13 you'll understand when you're old enough"My grandma sighed, tugging her shawl to cover her chest and walked off.

I turned back to Aaron who was already feeling bad he brought up Gabriel to me which lend to my grandma bringing in her bullshit "S-sorry...I shouldn't have mentioned him, it's my fault I know he'd bully you-" "Don't worry about it, let's just...Review our notes one more time"I said at an attempt to change the subject.

Zoie's POV:From the small crack in Henrietta's bedroom door I watched them, just sitting at the table trying to act like nothing happened and of course Grandma Sle acting like she should be the one mad.

*Sigh* Just Winona being Winona...How can Henrietta and her family deal with her?

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