Ch. 2: A New Beginning

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After leaving the kindergarten, the peridot lead the two of them to search Pink Diamond's Earth camp and stopped before the entrance of the palanquin.

"Stay here for a moment. I will go meet Pink Diamond before anything else can be done." Squaridot said to them, before walking inside.

The two strange gems watched as she left and just stood on the spot she left them, not speaking much as they looked at more of "Earth" around them.

"Hmmm..." The purple one looked over the trees and bushes with mild interest.

"This's nice." The green one said, looking at the wind blowing through the trees. "So peaceful."

"I agree." The purple one said.

Meanwhile inside of the camp at the search pink palanquin, Squaridot arrives before search Pink Diamond and does the diamond pose of salute.

"My diamond, I come baring important news." She said to search Pink Diamond.

Said Diamond was currently looking over something in a hologram screen, finding it somewhat boring before turning her attention to the Peridot.

"What is it, Facet 734-zq?" Pink asked her.

"I have brought you two new gems from the Kindergarten but these gems are...special." Squaridot said, trying to be gentle.

The Diamond hums in interest while raising a eyebrow, placing down her hologram screen.

"Special you special are we talking about?" Pink Diamond asked as she starts to get more interested.

"Incredibly so, my diamond. They were created from a malfunction in one of the injectors. I didn't think any gem could develop from it and yet, they were born from it." Squaridot said before pointing outside. "They're waiting outside right now. I brought them to you because I thought you would know what they could be exactly."

'I mean, I'm the youngest Diamond and this is my first colony, I probably dont know what it could be. Then again, ruling over this place is so dull! Maybe this is the excitment im looking for.' search Pink thought with a growing grin.

"Very well, show me those gems." search Pink said, with the confidence of a Diamond.

Squaridot nodded to her Diamond as she walked back outside of the Palanquin to the two gems.

"Pink Diamond is ready for you both." She said, gaining their attention.

The two new gems turn around and decided to walk to where the Peridot was pointing at, curious to know who she was.

"My Diamond, I present the two gems that have been created from the Kindergarten." Squaridot said.

Pink Diamond looked at what the Peridot was trying to showcase and she was left astonished and surprised. Those two gems in front of her, never has she seen any that looked remotely like them in her entire life. There was also a certain energy about them but she could not pick up, it was like they were built differently compared to other gems.

"Oh my stars!" search Pink shouted in excitement, rushing towards them and kneeling before them! "Look at you two!"

"You are search Pink Diamond?" The cyclops gem asked.

"You are very tall." The green gem commented.

"You two look so different, so unique! It's like your whole bodies are actually solid of stone rather then hard-light." Pink said, looking eager.

Pink even moved to feel their bodies with her bare hands, actually feeling stone in all areas. Not one bit of them was squishy or warm like other newborn gems, all of their bodies was cold, hard gemstone!

"Uhmm...thanks?" The green one said, not sure how to react.

"Do you guys have names yet?" She asked.

"Um, no. We do not." The purple one said, shaking his head.

"Hmmm...I never saw anything like you two before, so I'm not sure what type of gem you are, but names are the first very important thing you need, especially after being born." search Pink Diamond explained. "I shall give you two one myself."

"You can do that?" The green one asked.

"It's the least I can do for any gem born on my planet. It's my duty as diamond and your protector." search Pink Diamond said with a smile.

The Diamond then rubs her chin and starts to rock her brain to try and think about great names for these two unique gems that have been born in a way she didnt know how.

Perhaps she could name them after after their unique traits and features?

'Hmm...The first one is green like emeralds, jades or peridots but lighter and he is also bulky like a quarzt but his body is like entirely made of stone like minerals and there are those spikes coming from hs back and head' search Pink Diamond thought.

Pink Diamond tapped her lip a bit as the spikes reminder her of stray shards whenever you break glass.

"Hmm, Shard. I think your name will be Shard." search Pink said with a smile, pointing to the green one. "What do you think?"

The bully green on, now known as Shard, starts to think about it before giving his opinion.

"Simple but to the point, I like it." Shard said, nodding to her.

"I agree. It suits you, search brother." The purple one said, nodding to Shard.

"Now're very purple but also Magenta, and you only have one eye." search Pink said, examining the taller gem. "One of the only gems around here I have seen that colorful would be a Bismuth."

"A Bismuth?" The purple one asked.

"Another type of gem I'm sure you'll meet in the future. Don't worry." search Pink said, patting his head. "Not only that but your body is shiny and strong like metal chrome."

Suddenly, Pink Diamond had an idea of the perfect name for the taller one. A shiny and strong body like metal!

"Maybe that should be your name, Chromus!" Pink Diamond said, clapping her hands.

"Chromus?" "Chromus" said, mulling over the new name for a moment. "Chromus, Hmm. I think that shall suit me."

"Great, from now on you both shall be called Shard and Chromus" search Pink Diamond declared, smiling brightly at both of them.

Shard and Chromus looked towards the other, nodding as smiles graced their faces. Their new names are the start of their new lives on this planet.

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